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|Still Myles POV|

*Next Day*

I slipped out of y/n's bed trying not to wake her. I headed over to my house to change because shes suppose to meet my mom today.

I was in my bathroom and i put a wrap on my wrist so my mom wouldnt see anything. I looked for my contacts but couldnt find them(Yes i know he doesnt wear contacts but this is a fanfic its make believe).


"What" Kalin said walking in and dropping a laundry basket on my bed.

"I cant find my contacts".
"Just wear your glasses".
"Bruh nothings wrong with them plus thats the only thing your stuck with or else your gonna be stumbling into stuff".
"Ugh fine".

Kalin left the room and i got dressed. I put on a white button up with a tie. Then of course black pants, white vans, and sadly my glasses.

|Y/n POV|

I woke up and Myles was gone. I checked my phone.

Papi Meelz❤️: Goodmorning babe i left to my house ill be back dont sweat. Get dressed though.

I got up and threw on a white dress, a jean jacket, and white converse. I put on foundation, winged eyeliner, and red lipstick.

Myles came over he was in glasses, and if i say so myself he was SEXY i just stared.

"I know i look bad but i cant find my contacts".
"No you look...wow" i gave a wide smile.

"Well you look beautiful like always".
"Thanks Babe".
"Anytime, lets go".

"Yea, right we should go" he put his hand on my lower back and led me out.

*Skip car ride*

I was scared because you know she already met me.

"Hi mom" he hugged her letting go of my hand "this is...".

"Y/n" she interrupted and finished his sentence.

Myles looked at me a little mad.

"Since when were you guys together" his mom asked as she kept glaring at me.

I just wanted to run out of the house and cry because i can tell she doesnt like me anymore.

Learn How to Forget About Me (Myles Parrish Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now