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|Myles POV|

I went with y/n into her house.

I grabbed her waist and she said "dont you think youve had enough for today Parrish".

"Nope" i started kissing her neck.

She led me to her room but she untangled herself from my grip.

She kissed me "goodnight Parrish".

"Ugh goodnight (last name)" i was about to leave but she pulled me on her bed.

"I said goodnight i didnt say to leave".
"Haha ok".

I jumped in her bed with just boxers on she went to go get something comfy. She came out with my jersey "you kept it".

"Yea" she giggled.

"I thought you would burn it or something".
"Are you kidding i was in love with the owner of this jersey. I thought i would throw it away once i fell in love again but i never could for some reason".

"Oh ok" i said with a cheeky grin.

She sat on me and kissed me. I was grabbing her hips, moving back and forth till she slipped off and fell asleep.

|Kalins POV|

I woke up and went to Myles room. I noticed he wasnt in there so i was sorta happy that he was with her.

I made breakfast for me and aria.

Myles came home a couple hours later. Then soon came y/n.

"Hi Kalin, aria".
"Hey" we both said and Myles grabbed her hand up to his room.

"Ugh i would cover you ears if i were you".
"There most likely gonna end up fucking and Myles has no chill".
Aira laughed "ok" and kissed me.

A couple minutes later we herd his bed and y/n practically screaming his name "told you" i said almost laughing.

I turned the tv up higher to block out there noise.

*An hour later*

"Ahhh why so loud" Myles said with his poof all messed up and breathing hard.

"Well while you guys had your fun, it was way to loud".
"And that tv is too" Myles said grabbing a water out of the fridge.

Y/n came down with frizzy ass hair. There was a knock at the door and y/n got it.

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