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"Your pregnant".
"Thats not possible your on the pill".
"I might of not took it for like two days".

We left the doctors office and headed home.

"Whats wrong why were you mad".
"Hmm i dont know your pregnant".
"Ok it was an accident and even if it wasnt i would think youd be happy to have a kid".
"Im sorry y/n it just caught me off guard. I would love to have a kid with you".

|Myles POV|

I really do want to have a child with her but Amy still hasnt messaged me about her pregnancy results. I dont think it should take this long.

"I love you y/n".
"I love you too".

We got to her house and she went to sleep. I was up because i couldnt sleep so i was just holding her while sitting up. My phone vibrated so i checked it.

Ex: Call me whenever you can

I got up and walked downstairs as quiet as possible.

M:"Whats up with your pregnancy. Is it mine?"
A:"Myles its not yours".
M:"Oh thank God because y/n is pregnant now and i need to be here for her"
A:"Wait your with her again"
M:"is that any of your business".

I herd a door close so i hung up. It was y/n's. I hope shes not mad.

|Y/n POV|

I woke up and Myles was leaving my room. I got up and followed.

"Whats up with your pregnancy. Is it mine".

Thats all i needed to hear to run back up stairs and close then lock my door. I slid down my door letting out small wines.

"Babe" he said knocking on my door.

I wiped my face and choked down tears.

"Are you ok".
"Whose pregnancy".

|Myles POV|

"A..." I put my head down "...Amy" i continued.

"You cheated on me" she screamed.

"No no baby i would never do that to you, please open the door and let me explain."

She unlocked the door and let me in. I felt a hot burning sensation on my cheek because she just smacked me.

"I deserve that".
"When'd you nock her up if you didnt cheat on me".
"After you broke up with me that night".

She smacked me again "fuck you" she screamed.

I looked up at her and water was filling up her eyes and she was repeatedly running her hand through her hair.

"I cant believe you did that Myles".
"It wasnt exactly after, it was two months before i saw you again".
"Oh and that changes it".
"Babe its one in the morning get some sleep we'll talk about this in the morning. Please just calm down".
"I cant believe you fucked her again. After what happened last time you dared to do it again".
"Im sorry".
"Is it yours".
"No no no".
"Good. I would track her down and beat her ass but shes pregnant and im tired and really want food. Also im carrying your kid so you better not leave me".

I laughed "i promise i will never leave you baby girl. And ill go out and get you something to eat. What you want".

"Im craving McyD's, a cheeseburger and fries oh and a ice cream please".
"Ok ill be back in five get some sleep or a nap, something" i kissed her forehead and left.

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