chapter 5

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Zendaya's pov:

''Well I have some news for you, Miss Coleman there's nothing wrong with you but you're pregnant, acording to the tests three months. Congratulations.''

''Oh my God! Babe!'' Tom pulls me in for a hug. I'm just shocked. Nothing comes out of my mouth no matter how hard I trie. 

''You're gonna be a mom and I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!'' Tom says while pulling away. I've never seen him this happy.

''So I suggest that you go to an obstetrician because I can't help you anymore.'' the doctor says.

''Thank you so much.'' Tom says and shakes her hand. 


''Bye.'' and with that we leave the office and walk to our car.

Tom's pov:

''I really thought something was wrong with you but this, this is so much better! I still can't believe it!'' I'm so happy i could dance on top of the car, but Zendaya hasn't said a word since the news.

''Are you alright?'' I ask her.


''Are you alright?''

''I'm fine.''

''Really? Because you don't look fine. So what's wrong love?

''It's just, I'm not ready for a baby.'' How can I be so stupid, I was so happy about going to be a dad that I didn't think about how Z feels about becoming a mom.

''It's okay,'' I put my hand on her leg being careful to not lose focus on the road. ''We still have half a year to get ready.'' I quickly glance at her, she still looks sad. We drive a few minutes in silence. 

''How am I going to handle this with the premiere of Challengers and Dune?''

''I have no idea but we still have time to figure that out.''

''And when are we going to tell the fans?''

''We don't have to if you don't want to.''

''Nope, we have to because they will figure it out if we don't.''

''Love, just calm down we can tell them whenever you're ready. I promise you it's all gonna be okay. We can figure all this out later.''

''Yeah, no, you're right.''

''We're gonna do this together. Step by step.'' I take here hand and kiss it. She looks a bit calmer, still tense but at least not in panick mode.

Zendaya's pov:

I install myself on the couch and Noon jumps on my lap.

''Hey boy, did you miss me?'' He starts making himself comfortable and lies down.

''Love?'' Tom walks to me.


''I'm gonna book an appointment with the obstetrician okay?''

''Okay.'' He grabs his phone ad walks to the kitchen. This is gonna be fine right? We both have always wanted kids, so why doesn't this feel great? I could always remove it but Tom, He would support me but he would be heartbroken, and to be honest I don't think I could kill our child. Our child. 

I put my hand on my belly wich causes Noon to move. I'm keeping this kid. No matter what. 

''I love you.'' I whisper to my belly.

''Okay, so I made an appointment for next tuesday.'' Tom says while walking in. He installs himself next to me. 

''They said that they're just gonna do a few tests and an ultrasound.''

''So we're already gonna see the baby?''

''Yep, mommy and daddy are gonna see you next week little one.'' He says to my belly. 

''We love you already so much.'' He starts kissing my belly.

''Hey! Tom! That tickles!'' I laugh.

''Well get used to it cause I'm gonna shower our baby with love.'' He says between kisses. 

''Tom! Please stop!'' I'm laughing uncontrollably now. 

''Okay, fine I'll stop.''

''Thank you.''

''For now.'' he runs away.

''Tom! Come here! I start runnning after him trying to catch him. He finally slows down in our bedroom. I jump onto him causing us to fall on down on the bed. I start tickling him.

''No! Z! Please stop! He says between laughs. 

''Please! I'm begging you.'' He's laughing even harder. I finally stop and we both lie down panting.

''I love you.''

''Love you too, both of you.''

Unexpected Blessings: Tomdaya's Journey into ParenthoodWhere stories live. Discover now