Chapter 13

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It's me again. Sorry for the slow update I've been really busy lately for school and I didn't really have much time, but today is the first day of fall break so I'll try to get some more chapters out, but here y'all go the new chapter.

Enjoy and by the way Zendaya is exactly 20 weeks pregnant


Tom's pov:

I let out a groan when I feel the sunrays warming my face. My whole body is aching. I probably went to hard at it at the gym yesterday. I turn around and see Zendaya. She's still asleep her hair spread out over her pillow and a bit of drool dripping from her mouth onto her pillow. 

She looks so cute. I just watch her chest rise and fall with every breath. I could watch her sleep forever. She lets out a weird noise wich I can't really place and pushes the blanket off her body. My eyes get drawn to her belly. It's been popping out more recently and there's no way we can hide it any longer. I'll have to talk with her about that soon but not today, because today we have the 20 week ultrasound, wich I'm really excited for. About that what time is it? We need to be there at 11:30 am.

I turn around and grab my phone from the nightstand. It's 9:17, that's good. I still have time to make a little surprise for Zendaya. I slowly get out of bed careful not to wake her. I pull the blanket over her body, press a soft kiss behind her ear and walk downstairs. 

As I walk into the kitchen Noon comes jumping at me.

''Hey boy, Calm down there are still people sleeping.'' I walk to the counter and grab all the ingredients I need for the batter. Okay, now the big question do we have some fruit or something else in there?  I open the fridge and start the search.

Just when I'm about to give up and settle on plain pancakes I see some blueberries in one of the corners. Yes, thank you. It's not much but it's at least something. I grab the blueberries and start preparing the batter.

Zendaya's pov:

I wake up to find an empty spot next to me where Tom normally sleeps. Where is he? Probably already downstairs. I get out of bed and put on one of Tom's shirts before walking downstairs. I'm walking down the stairs when an amazing smell reaches my nose. I inhale deeply and my stomache starts making some noices. I'm actually hungry. I feel like I'm finally getting over the morningsickness and right now I'm just hungry all the time. It's not really possible to skip breakfast anymore like I used to do all the time. I never really realized it but if you skip breakfast you have so much more time in the morning.

When I get downstairs Noon comes jumping at me. 

''Hey did you miss mommy?'' I give him some cuddles and walk to the kitchen. When I walk through the door I see Tom in a pair of shorts and an apron making pancakes. I sneak up to him and fold my arms around his chest pushing my body against his bare skin.

''Good morning babe.''

''Hey love.'' He turns around and puts his hands on my hips. I fold my arms around his neck.

''Did you sleep well?'' He asks with a deep voice.


''So sorry love, just give me a moment.'' He turns around and puts the pancake that he was making on a plate.

''I learned my lesson from last time.'' He turns around an grabs me again.

''So where were we?''

''You got a little something there.'' I say and kiss a bit of flour of his nose.

Unexpected Blessings: Tomdaya's Journey into ParenthoodWhere stories live. Discover now