Chapter 10

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I'm sorry about the ending of chapter 9 but here's chapter 10


Tom's pov:

''Why don't we order in some pizza?'' I ask while looking at Zendaya.

''Nah, I'm not that hungry.'' She says.

''Come on you have to eat something.'' I haven't seen her eat something all day.

''You can order for you and Darnell, I will probably steal some pieces from ya'll.''

''Okay, you sure?''

''Yes I'm sure.'' She says while getting up.

''Where are you going?''

''I'm just getting a glass of water,'' She walks to the kitchen and I order the pizza, when I hear a weird noise coming from the kitchen.

''Love, what are you doing?!'' I get no response.

''Love!?'' She still doesn't respond, so I get up and walk to the kitchen but I don't see her. I walk around the kitchen island and there she is.

''Oh my God!'' She's lying on the ground her eyes closed.

''Love, please, no please wake up!!'' I get down and shake her carefully but she doesn't wake up. Oh my God! What do I do? Fuckk!

''Darnell! Darnell!!!'' I hear him coming.

''Bruh, what now?'' He says annoyed but then he notices Zendaya.

''Oh Fuck! What did you do?!''

''I didn't do anything, she went to grab a glass of water but she didn't come back... And I found her like this, What do we do?!'' I'm full on panicking.

''We need to take her to the hospital.'' Darnell says.

''Yeah, yeah, you're right.''

''Okay, I'll drive if you sit with her?'' and he's gone.

''I grab Zendaya and carry her bridal style to the car. I get her as quick as I can in the back and also get in, I've barely closed the door when Darnell drives away. I carefully put Zendaya's head in my lap and stroke a few hairs out her face. Please let her be okay, I love her so much I can't lose her.

''She's gonna be okay, she's one of the strongest people I know.'' Darnell says. 

''I really hope so.'' Honestly she is one of the strongest and healthiest people I know too but she's pregnant so I don't know.

''Please be okay I can't lose you.'' I whisper in her ear.


After a while we've arrived at the hospital. Darnell parks the car and we get out, I pick Zendaya up and we speedwalk to the hospital not caring about all the people. We get into the hospital and a few doctors immediately arrive with a stretcher. I put Zendaya on the stretcher and they roll her away while Darnell tells one of the doctors what happened, when he also leaves Darnell and I are left in the waiting room. 

Darnell says something but my brain doesn't process it.


''I said let's go sit down everyone is staring at us.''

''Huh, oh yeah.'' We go sit down in the furthest corner in the room and after a while no one pays attention to us anymore.

-Time skip-

It's half an hour later and we're still waiting I'm really worried but I know the doctors are doing everything they can.

''It's on the news.'' Darnell says and he shows me an article. 

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