Chapter 14

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Zendaya's pov:

''Do you want to know the gender?'' I look at Tom and he nods.

''We would love to.'' I say, the doctor grabs a piece of paper and writes something down.

''I will give you two some privacy. You can get the pictures at the reception and you can leave whenever you want to.'' She puts the paper on the desk and walks out the door.

''Thank you.'' Tom says while she closes the door.

''Will you turn it or?'' I ask him.

''Why don't we turn it together?''

''Sure.'' We both grab a corner of the paper and suddenly I feel a bit nervous.

''Okay on 3. 1...2...3.'' We turn the paper and it takes me a minute to figure out that it's upside down. I turn my head and read it.

''Oh my goodness!'' Tom exclaims.

''It's a girl!'' I throw my body against Tom's chest.

''It's a girl!'' I say again as Tom hugs me back. He pulls back and pushes his lips on mine. I quickly push back and his tongue makes his way into my mouth, I join in and after a while I need to pull back because I'm almost running out of breath.

I pull back heavily panting and look at Tom who's also struggling to breath. I let my head rest sideways on his shoulder and he puts his hand on my belly.

''I just can't process this, like my brain gets what's happening but at the same time not? If that makes sense?'' Tom says.

''Yeah same.'' I say and inhale deeply.

''Why don't we go celebrating?'' Tom asks.


''Well I have an idea.'' He says chuckling.

''What?'' I say while pulling my head of his shoulder.

''You'll see, why don't we go get those pictures?'' He gently pulls me to the door.

''Aw, come on you not gonna tell me?'' I ask pulling his arm against me,

''Nope you will see when we get there.'' He puts his arm around me and pulls me with him while opening the door.

''And now we're first going to get those pictures.'' He pulls me with him to the reception, I let out a chuckle.

''Hi.'' The nurse at the reception says.

''Hey, we need some pictures.'' Tom says while pulling me closer to him.

''Names please?''

''Coleman and Holland.''

''Yes, here you go.'' She hands Tom the pictures.

''Bye.'' Tom says already pulling me with him.

''Bye.'' I say too while chuckling.

''Don't we need to make another appointment?'' I ask Tom while giving some resistance.

''Nah, I will give them a call.'' We finally stop in front of the elevator.

''Where are we going? I need to text Darnell something.''

''Nice try, I will text Darnell.'' He kisses me on my temple.

''Tom! Not here people might see us.''

''I don't give a shit, they already know we're in a relationship and I'm not gonna hide it anymore, I'm proud to be your boyfriend alright.'' He kisses me again but this time on my mouth. I give in and push back. He pulls back when the elevator pings. luckily it's empty and we get in. Tom puts his arm around me and when the elevator opens we walk like that to our car. Tom opens the car door for me and helps me get in.

Unexpected Blessings: Tomdaya's Journey into ParenthoodWhere stories live. Discover now