Chapter 4

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Tom's pov:

I wake up, but it's still dark. What time is it? I grab my phone from the nightstand. 5:20 am. I let out a yawn. When I'm about to go back to sleep I hear a weird sound coming from the bathroom. What the hell? I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. The door is open but the lights are off. Then I recognize the sound. Z's throwing up. Again. I quickly switch the lights on to see her hunched over the toilet. I sit on the floor next to her. She spits out the last bit of throw up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. When she's about to get up I break the silence. 

"Z you can't go on like this. You've been throwing up almost every day this isn't healthy.'' I hope she can hear that I'm worried about her. She shrugs and looks to the ground.

''Z, look at me. You're gonna go to the doctor or....''

''Or what?'' I didn't really think about this part.

''Or.... or I'm gonna tell your mom.''

''You wouldn't!''

''Oh yes I would!'' I know I've won. Daya loves her mom but her mom can be quite.. overbearing.

''So are you going to see a doctor about this?'' I raise my brows.

''Fine.'' and with that she walks out.

Zendaya's pov:

''I booked an appointment for this afternoon!'' Tom yells from the living room.

''What time?''


''Okay!'' I really don't wanna go but I'll have to, I've already promised him and I don't want my mom to be worried about nothing. It's gonna be nothing right? Suddenly I'm not so sure. What if something is seriously wrong with me? What if?

''Babe?'' Tom calls me. ''It's lunch time!''

''Coming'' I get up and walk to the kitchen. Tom's bent over the fridge. 

''Alright so we have 2 options. Option 1: sandwiches and option 2: wraps, or we could make a salad.'' I chuckle. 

''Why don't we do them all ?''

''Yeah, that's also possible.'' he throws the wraps on the counter. I install myself at the kitchen island and scroll through my insta.

''You aren't gonna help me?'' He raises his brows.

''Well since you've proved that you can cook you don't need my help anymore right?''

''Right.'' he looks a bit dissapointed.

''Okay, I'll help.''

''Yess! thanks.'' I walk to the counter and grab the knive to chop the vegetables for the sandwiches.

''Oh no! No, no, no you're not gonna chop your fingers of, not again.'' he grabs the knive from my hands. ''I don't want a repeat of what happened in NYC.'' He starts chopping the vegetables for me. 


''Look I just don't want you to really lose a finger this time.''

''It's alright. I get it, so what do you want me to do?''

''So I'll chop the vegetables and you can put them on the sandwiches?''

''Sounds good.''

Tom's pov:

We're done with lunch and we still have an hour before we have to be at the doctor. We don't really have anything to do. 

''Hey Z, I was thinking.''

''Yeah, what?''

''Why don't we go take a walk?''

''Here? In LA?''

''Yeah, we could take Noon with us.''

''Where do you want to go then without getting flooded by fans?''

''There is this beautiful and quiet park just a few minutes from here, we could drive there?''

''Yeah why not.''

''Alright, if you go find Noon, I'll get the car.''

''Here it is.'' I park the car not to far away from the park. We get out and Daya let's a very excited Noon out of the car. We walk to the park, well more like run hoping no one recognizes us. Luckily no one does. 

''Wow that's a first.'' Z says. 

''Yup told you it's really peacefull here.'' There are just a few old people in the park and they have probably no idea who we are. In the middle of the park is a beautifull lake with a few ducks in it. 

''Awww, look Tom there are little ducklings, how cute!''

''Awww.'' there are seven little ducklings swimming behind their mother. We walk through the park for a little while. 

''Why don't we go sit on that bench?'' Z asks while pointing at one of the benches at the waterside. 

''Sure but just for a few minutes because we almost have to leave, remember?''

''Yeah, I remember.'' She lets out a sigh.

''Noon!'' I call Noon who's running after some ducks.

''Noon come here boy.'' Noon comes running back while we install ourselves on the bench.

Zendaya's pov:

I was really hoping that Tom would forget about the doctor, but nope. Of course he wouldn't. So here we are in the waiting room, we're even to early. 

''Miss Coleman?'' Oh shit here we go. ''Yes!'' I get up.

''Will you come with me?'' I ask Tom.

''Of course.'' He gets up too and we walk into the office together. It's very white, all the walls are white, there's a white examination table, the desk is white the only things that aren't white are the chairs and the laptop. The doctor is a white, friendly looking lady who's probably in her late forty's. 

''Hello, I'm doctor sanford and you must be miss Coleman?'' She says while gently shaking my hand.

''Yes and this is my boyfriend, Tom.'' 

''Nice to meet you Tom...'' 

''Tom Holland.'' she also shakes his hand. ''I'm her boyfriend.''

''Alright, You can take a seat. So why did you come here?'' I don't really wanna say something, so after a minute of awkward silence Tom says it.

''Well she has had some extreme vomiting for a while now''

''And how long is a while?''

''Two months.'' I finally say something.

''Okay.'' The doctor is typing something on her laptop.

''Okay, if you could go sit on the examination table for me?'' I go sit on the table and she tests my blood pressure.

''Okay.'' She mumbles. 

''Is it okay?'' Tom asks.

''A bit to high.'' She must've seen the look on my face and quickly says: ''It's nothing to worry about. I'm just gonna do one more test okay?''


It's a few minutes later and she's finally done with all the tests and now she's probably filling in the results on her laptop. She closes her laptop and looks at us. 

''Well I have some news for you. Miss Coleman there's nothing wrong with you, but you're....''


Wow i've just written 1028 words and..

Sorry not sorry

Unexpected Blessings: Tomdaya's Journey into ParenthoodWhere stories live. Discover now