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previously on behind my wall...

He was ready to have me in his life....
But I still cared about Tom and I hated myself for that....

god, how I cared about him...

and how...

in this chapter....

Today was the boys' birthday, and I had a plan with gustav and georg for them to spend their birthday together, I was going to make them get along and it was going to be today, or else, my name is not Anelise

- Left, Georg- I say, positioning the balloon and looking underneath.

- "Left, not right, dumbass" - Gustav says and I laugh looking at them.

- It's their birthday soon and you haven't got this balloon yet- Monica one of the band's friends in the Netherlands arrives with a bunch of presents and I look at her- Hi you must be Anelise- Monica says and I nod.

- I didn't think I'd see you again- Gustav says walking down to Monica.

- "I'm sorry but who invited you?" I ask curiously.

- "Oh, it was me, I'm sorry Anne didn't tell you-" Georg says and I sigh- "Sorry, is there a problem with her coming?" he asks.

- "No, it's fine. - Of course it is, I don't even know who she is and I'm organizing it.


Hours later with everything done I go towards Tom's room since Bill was the boys' responsibility, soon I enter with the second key and I find him brushing his teeth, he had just come out of the shower

- Tommy I need you to come with me- Tom looks at me through the mirror arching his eyebrow and then goes to where his clothes were to get dressed.

- "What have you come up with now Anne?" Tom asks and I sit down on the bed that Bill was sitting on.

- "Nothing, I just want to go for a walk." I say and Tom is completely confused by what I've just said.

- "Three days ago you were hating me." Tom says and I deny it.

- "I wasn't hating you, I was just being firm with you" I say looking at him getting dressed and the biggest guy had no shame in getting changed in front of me and I unscrupulously stood there watching.

- "Okay Anne" Tom said putting on his shirt and turning to me "Where do you want to go?" I smiled happy seeing my plan was working.

- Let's go for a walk- I say opening the door and giving him the way- Go ahead....

Tom rolls his eyes and soon leaves the room and I leave next, I could see that he was suspicious of what was happening, soon we enter the elevator and I press the underground button and I stand in front of the button so he doesn't see it, so I take a blindfold out of my pocket and he half-closes his eyes looking at me

- What are you doing?

- Let's have some fun ... -I speak approaching him standing on tiptoe raising my arms to put the blindfold on his eyes

- "Princess, I know what you're doing." Tom says, holding my wrist and I tilt my head to the side, looking at him.

- "Do you really know, Tommy?" I ask close to his ear and then put the blindfold on his eyes, leaving him unable to see anything.

Soon the elevator door opens and I see that the boys were already with Bill in the same position as Tom, soon we left him facing each other, soon I count to three with just my fingers and we unveil them at the same time

- SURPRISE!" everyone screams but they don't even have time to see each other because Monica grabs the twins leaving the three of us out and I throw a murderous look at Georg.

As soon as the smaller one lets go of the two of them they look at each other and look around seeing what we had done to them.

- "Whose idea was it?" Bill asks and Gustav and Georg point at me and I smile.

- "It was my idea" I say smiling and the twins smile back, Bill gives a huge grin and Tom gives his classic sideways smile looking at me.

- Thank you, Anne... for that- Bill says hugging me.

- Thank you, princess- Tom says and I smile looking at them both.

- "Okay, let's go to the party!" Monica says turning on the music and I take a deep breath. "Bill, you're coming with me." She pulls Bill into a corner to talk and I stare at them both.

I go to the drinks table to get something and then Tom comes over and takes the bottle of vodka out of my hand.

- "You're not drinking tonight Anne" Tom says filling his glass with vodka and I arch my eyebrow.

- Why not?

- Have you forgotten what happened last time? "If you don't want to wake up in my bed, don't drink." Tom winks, walking away from me and I roll my eyes, grabbing a coke.


It had been a couple of hours and I was staring at Bill and Monica the whole party, seriously I was going to kill Georg for that.
Soon Tom arrives and sits next to me watching the two of them.

- She was our first girlfriend- Tom says and I look at him puzzled.

- What do you mean "our"?

-"I dated her for a week and then Bill dated her too, it was our first kiss and everything." Tom says and I look at them again and clearly Monica was throwing herself at Bill.

- I didn't know you had contact with her yet- I say and Tom nods.

- I lost interest in her within a week, so if it was up to me she wouldn't even be here- Tom says sipping more vodka and I quickly take the glass from his hand and take a big sip- Anne....

- Shut up Tom- I say returning the glass to him practically empty and soon Gustav put on a slow song ...


- Come on- Tom says pulling me in so we're dancing together and I look over his shoulder seeing Bill and Monica dancing together too- Don't look princess, focus on us- Tom says and I look into his eyes being very close to his face.

- This was supposed to be your day, no one should ruin it." I say and Tom smiles sideways.

- And who said it was ruined? Bill and I are here together just like you wanted- Tom says still dancing with me and I sigh- Anne, until you get used to our routine as artists, you're going to keep being disappointed.

- Who says I'm disappointed?

- I see it in your eyes- Tom says and I stare into his eyes- Exactly that look... I know you're jealous of Bill.

- "I'm not jealous of him, we don't have anything." Tom smiles again, looking at me.

- Okay, so you're bothered by that fact- I look behind Tom and see Bill backing away from a kiss attempt from Monica and then I look back at Tom.

- You know me well - I say and Tom nods.

- Let's say I do- Tom says and then he shifts where I was so I'm not looking at Bill- Focus on me, just look at me and enjoy the music- Tom says and I smile weakly staring into Tom's eyes.

We don't break eye contact at any point....

Behind my wall | Tom Kaulitz ENGWhere stories live. Discover now