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previously on behind my wall...

- Thank you for coming after me- I look at the biggest

- I'd run deserts for you Anelise...

In this chapter....

A month had passed since my conversation with Tom, well, it seems that he still hadn't sorted out his life, but as he promised, he didn't touch me or contact me, he wasn't going to make me a second choice while he was still with Heidi.
The rumors about me getting back together with him had died down, I confess. Some fans were commenting on something on Twitter or Instagram, sending me messages asking if Tom and I would get back together and I was just as curious as they were
Were we really going to get back together?

- AAAAAAAAAAAAH-I hear a scream coming from Ceci's room and I immediately run towards it

- WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? IS EVERYTHING OK?" I ask desperately and soon find the little girl holding a toothpick, completely shocked, staring at me.

- Anne...-Ceci says looking at me and I quickly approach her to see what that toothpick was.

- "Ceci..." I say looking at her who looks at me completely shocked.

- What am I going to do?- Ceci says looking at me and I sigh- I'm pregnant- Ceci says and I nod looking at her- Anne I'm pregnant- Ceci says smiling and puts her hand over her mouth and I hug her.

- You're pregnant- I say pulling away and smile looking at her- Does Bill know?- I ask looking at her who denies it.

- No, he doesn't even know that I was suspicious about it- Ceci says and I nod looking at her.

- "Well... he'll need to know, won't he?" I ask the smaller girl, who then sits down on the bed again, looking at the floor.

- "I'm not going to tell him, not now..." Ceci says and I look into her eyes, sitting down next to her.

- Why not?" I ask looking at her.

- I need to be sure that the pregnancy will at least start well- Ceci says and I nod looking at her- I want... it to be my time Anne, when I feel confident I'll tell him- Ceci says and I nod holding her hand.

- All right, I'll respect your time, but don't delay telling me what happened, okay?" I say, kissing the top of his head.

Yes, Cecilia was pregnant with Bill's child at the age of nineteen, well, she's an adult and so is Bill, they're both rich and know what they want out of life, they love each other and intend to get married, so what would be the problem with all this?
It was a bit early, but now a new phase begins in Ceci's life, and later in Bill's life, when she decides to tell him, I'm happy for her, I'm going to be an aunt, that's incredible...


The next day I got up super early before dawn, today was finally going to be the show at Germany fashion week with Victoria Secrets and I was completely out of my mind, this was going to be the first time I was going to be walking for two completely well-known and very renowned brands, scouts and owners from various brands were going to be there and I was practically in shock, this week I had been taking very good care of myself and had been on a strict diet so that I would be incredibly perfect on the catwalks, since whether I wanted to or not it was going to be my debut

- Remember that there are going to be two costume changes, okay?" Suzy asked me while I was getting my makeup done and I immediately nodded. "I'll see you on the catwalk." Suzy said as she left the dressing room and as soon as my makeup was done, I checked to see if everything was ready for the catwalk.

Behind my wall | Tom Kaulitz ENGWhere stories live. Discover now