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I'm gently awoken, my eyes rapidly fluttering open. As my surroundings become clear, I notice someone standing over me. My first instinct is to attack so that's what I do. I kick them straight in the stomach earning a grunt in response. As I'm about to deliver another blow I recognize who it is.

"Shit! I'm sorry" I say quietly, "no worries" Thor chuckles. "You've got a good... kick" he utters, shaking his head. "I came to tell you dinner is almost ready" he states, "oh... you didn't have to come here for that. I'm not hungry" I lie. "You sure?" he asks, "yeah. I think I'm still really full from yesterday" I giggle.

He nods as though he understands before leaving me be. I sigh and go to sit in the window since I probably won't be getting anymore sleep. I stare out over the kingdom below, watching the few people that are out. Some of them carry children, others baskets of goods, and some of them just look lost. I can definitely understand that.

I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. Watching as the sun dips below the horizon. I hear the door fling open, effectively banging against the wall behind it. I turn my head quickly to see a not so happy Hela barging in. Then again, what's new there? "You ever heard of knocking? Beautiful thing really" I quip.

"It's time for dinner. Let's go" she orders, "I'm not hungry" I reply. "You skipped breakfast, missed lunch, and now you're not coming to dinner? There's no way you're not hungry" she asserts. "Well I'm not. Sorry my stomach isn't up to Asgardian standards" I scoff. "It's not about 'Asgardian standards', idiot. It's about your health. You need to eat for strength" she states.

Food could never bring me the strength I need. "I'm. Not. Hungry. You can't make me eat" I spat. "Don't underestimate me" she growls, "leave me alone" I sigh. "No. You need to eat. It's your choice whether you do it willingly or by force" she argues. I turn away from her and look out the window. Remaining silent as I watch the citizens move like ants in a maze.

I hear her sigh deeply before quiet footsteps approach me. "Does this remind you of your home?" she asks softly, a drastic change from before. The sudden drop in tone almost paralyzes me in shock. "No. Not at all actually" I mutter, "you seem fascinated" she points out. I just shrug in response, leaning my head against the window.

"You never said how you ended up in the bifrost" she says, "the what?" I ask confused. "The 'void' as you call it" she rolls her eyes, "I just was" I answer plainly. "No one 'just is'. Besides, if you're running from something, it's best we know now" she voices. "Why, so you can banish me?" I ask, "so we can protect you" she counters.

"Nothing I'm running from is any danger to you" I assure her, "what about you?" she questions softly. "It doesn't matter anyway. Plus, you don't actually care" I state and it's quiet for a while. I turn to look at her but she's already gone. I look back out the window trying to hold back my tears. I don't know why I hoped for her to deny what I said.

I pull myself up and decide that it's time I get out the room. I leave my shoes thinking they'll make too much noise. I try my best to remember my steps and turns so I can find my way back to my room this time. But as soon as the crisp night air hits my face, I forget it all. I take a deep breath and just let my feet carry me.

I pass the courtyard and venture around the palace. I can see just how big it is now that I'm taking my time. It's at least three times bigger than the castle back home. My ears pick up on a noise and I'm not sure what it is. I know it's probably the dumbest thing I could do, but I choose to follow it. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

I have a pretty good gauge for danger and this doesn't feel bad. I let my feet take me closer and closer until I reach the mouth of a cave. The sound has gotten louder and I can feel the ground slightly tremble under me. It has to be some sort of big creature considering it sounds like breathing. Then I remember my encounter early today with Hela's pet.

"Fenris" I whisper softly, I try again but hear no change. That was his name right? "Fenris" I say, using my normal voice and all of a sudden the breathing stops. For a few seconds, that felt like the longest of my life, it was dead silent. Suddenly I hear a light growling and the ground starts to shake lightly beneath me.

I stand my ground and wait for what's to come. His black fur shines in the moonlight as he takes steady strides towards me. He looks me in the eyes and growls showing his teeth. I put my hand out in hopes that he doesn't think I'm a threat. I know he only smelled me once but let's hope he recognizes my scent.

He leans down and practically sniffs my whole hand up his nostril. I reach out further to which he bows his head so I can pet him. Such a sweetheart. Not like his owner at all. I smile softly as he sighs and I rub between his ears. He eventually rolls over and I sit down and rub his belly.

I lean against him and close my eyes feeling calm. I heard once from an elder in town that petting animals can relieve stress. I thought she was a little crazy at the time, but now I'm thinking she might be right. The more I brush my fingers against the soft black fur, the sleepier I feel. Soon enough I find myself drifting off, the warmth radiating off of Fenris soothing me.

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