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I land and I'm not sure where I am exactly. I ask around and someone directs me to a stand with maps. I see the price but I have no money so I quickly slip one and walk off. I take a seat on a bench and open it up, having to turn it a few times to figure it out. Once I've roughly figured out where I am, I start searching.

Gaining my memories gave me insight to connections I have by way of my parents. Apparently I have a relative of sorts here, my mother's sister to my knowledge. I figured it's worth a try to find her and hope she can divulge more about who I am. I look at bus routes and hop on the one that pulls up just before I miss it.

I rest my head on the window as I reflect on what I just did. Coming to yet another foreign place in hopes of fixing myself. I don't know anyone here and the air feels funny. The energy shift has not been easy for me to get accustomed to. This place is even further from what my home felt like, or what I remember of it.

Now that I think about it, this woman may not even know who I am. Life down on Midgard is different from the other realms. Their lives are so short here and I may be going to find a dead woman. Great. The bus makes a whoosh sound before coming to a stop. I look and see the number on the sign and jump out my seat.

I thank the driver and he looks at me like I'm insane. I shrug it off and wait for the bus to pull off as I sigh. I've still got a few miles to go before I'm there so I start walking. It gives me some time to put together what I'm going to say. What if she's dead? I need to remain as positive as I can right now. She's alive and she's going to help me.

two hours later...

After like a million steps I find myself standing in front of a big white building. I look down at the map and I'm in the right place. I push open the gate which creaks loudly. Ugh. I walk up the steps and stop in front of the door. I knock on it loudly and take a step back to wait.

The door opens shortly after and I'm speechless. Upon seeing her face, it's like an instant memory sparked in me. It brings tears to my eyes and leaves me speechless. She steps down and pulls me into her arms as I cry. "Shhh, you're ok. You're safe now, sweetheart" she mumbles as she strokes my hair.

She pulls us inside and closes the door, leading me up the stairs and into a room. She eases me onto the bed, never taking her hands away from me. "Myrtle said you'd be coming" she smiles softly, "Delia" I mutter in shock. "I'm surprised you remember" she grins, I reply by tackling her to the bed.

Wrapping my arms around her tightly as I lay my head on her chest. "Alright alright, easy. I'm human, ok? I'm fragile" she chuckles and I loosen my grip slightly. We sit back up and she takes my hand, enclosing it between both of her own. "I didn't even know how much I missed you" I admit.

"I missed you too, sweetie" she smiles, "how are you not dead? Sorry- that's rude" I stutter. "You've always been one to say what's on your mind, reminds me of your mother" she chuckles softly. "She gave me the gift of eternal life, for you" she explains and I pout a little.

"That's why I'm here, actually. Well, it's a long story-" "I have all the time in the world. How about we talk over dinner?" she suggests. "I don't know... what kind of food do you have?" I ask hesitantly. "Don't worry, I know just the thing. You used to love it" she smirks. I nod and hold her hand as she stands up.

She allows me to take some of her clothes as my own aren't really appropriate here. I giggle as she helps me pick them out, telling me I look better in them than she does. I roll my eyes and enjoy the now familiar comforting energy she gives off. We head downstairs and we get in her car, which fascinates me.

I know I've seen one before at some point but it's been a long time. We get to the restaurant and get seated, my gaze wandering all over. Finally, we order and get into the reason I'm here. I tell her all about what's happened, about Asgard and Hela, my memories coming back. Afterwards she takes a deep breath.

"Now this is a really long story and I don't think all the time in the world could explain it. But I'll try to give you a summary and then you can ask me anything else you want to know, sound good?" she asks, "yep" I reply taking a sip of tea. And so she begins, with me leaning in to hang onto every word.

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