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As the legend has it, Asgard is where Hela draws her power from. So it should be no problem for her to regain full strength upon her feet meeting the ground. She was under that impression too but as their feet plant themselves on the floor, it does not take effect. Instead, she collapses and luckily Isabella was quick enough to catch her.

The brunette doesn't speak of it, just picks her up with what strength she has left and carries her towards the palace. Shielding her face in her chest and avoiding any of the family. She enters through a back door and takes the goddess straight to her room. Knowing they won't look there, considering she's supposed to be in Hel.

Isabella's pov
I gently lay her down on the bed, listening to her labored breathing. Part of me is scared but I have faith that she'll be alright. I place my backpack in between the bed frame and the nightstand as I take a seat. I brush some hair out of her face and she stirs a bit. I assume she's passed out given her lack of a real reaction.

I decide to take this time to go retrieve some water, hoping I don't run into anyone. I quietly slip out of the room and tip toe down the halls into the kitchen. Once I'm sure I'm alone I grab a big pitcher and fill it with water, grabbing two glasses. I scurry back to the room, the aching feeling in my muscles beginning to weigh me down.

As soon as I'm back in the safety of the room, I place the china on the table and collapse on the floor. I take deep breaths as I try to regain my strength, never having felt this way before. My mind runs a mile a minute as I stare off into space. I have no idea what happened back there; it's like I wasn't myself, not as I know anyway.

I felt an extreme urge to protect when I heard Hela scream. It was like a primal need to defend her, for once in my life I had a reason to fight. Cordelia was right. I couldn't have lived with myself knowing there was something I could do to help her. I just didn't see a point but based on how I saved both our asses today, I know I made the right decision.

I listen to her as she tosses in her sleep, mumbling things to herself. I pull myself up off the floor, wincing a little at the pain shooting through me. I walk quietly to the other side of the bed and slip in. Pulling her close to me and laying her head on my chest. She wraps her arms around me and instantly relaxes.

I've learned this over the course of time that we were together. She frequently has nightmares but whenever I hold her, her mind is at ease. It's as if the simple contact between us settles her. I allow my eyes to close for a moment as the exhaustion washes over me. I quickly fall asleep and sigh as my vision goes black.

30 minutes later...

My eyes snap open as my breathing slows down from its panicked state. I look down to see Hela's head still resting on my chest. I gently move her to rest on the pillow and get out of bed. I had these weird images in my mind, like a dream but also like a memory? It was the oddest thing and I know I won't be able to get back to sleep.

I slip out of the room and make a beeline for the garden. Being there always calms me so it's my first resort. As I approach I feel another presence and turn my head to see Frigga, unsurprisingly. She senses me and turns around, smiling widely. She comes over to hug me but I put my hand out to stop her.

I don't feel as sore anymore but I don't want to risk it. Besides, I'm still not too happy with her at the moment. "So?" she asks nervously, "she's resting right now" I answer. I walk over to sit on the edge of the fountain, running a hand through the crystal clear water. "Where is she?" Frigga asks excitedly, "she needs her rest. All you need to know is that she's safe" I reply.

The queen nods solemnly and takes her place on a bench nearby. "Thank you, Isabella" she states, "I didn't do it for you" I remind her. "I know. Still, thank you" she repeats, "I need to speak with Odin" I tell her. "I'm not sure that's the best idea..." Frigga warns, "let me put it this way then. I am going to talk to Odin. Whether you help me get to him or not is your choice" I assert.

She nods again, thinking about her options. "The best time to do it would be tomorrow morning. He doesn't have any council meetings to attend" she informs me. "Great. Then I'll see him tomorrow before breakfast" I state, "well maybe-" I glance at her and she stops. "Before breakfast it is" she mutters and I nod before walking off.

Sitll not feeling up to par, I make a detour to see Fenris first. I know he's been lonely since neither me nor Hela has been here. Upon seeing me his tail wags viciously and he barks, surprisingly soft. I walk over and give him pets to which he sighs and I smile. "I've missed you big boy" I say as I rub his belly, ruffling his fur.

Once I've got in a sufficient amount of pets I say goodbye, heading back to check on Hela. It surprises me that I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be, given that I didn't get much sleep, but I brush it off. I arrive back at the room to see her still peacefully sleeping. I assume she'll be down for a while as she did fight pretty hard.

Seeing as I don't want to risk anyone seeing me and giving Odin a heads up, I decide to stay in the room. I'm still not tired either so I take a seat in the chair next to the window. I look out over the vast fields behind the castle and the water on the west. I take this time to think about what I'll say to Odin; reminding myself that I have to remain calm.

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