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Isabella and Cordelia spent the coming weeks in the greenhouse together. The witch recalling all the information Até, or Amy as she called her, had voiced to her over the years. All the powers she had ever told her about or showed her. Including those of Isabella's late father.

They were making great progress, Isabella learning more and more each day. Even being able to perform some of them. In addition to Cordelia teaching her some practical Midgard magic. Overall, the two were having a wonderful time catching up. So much so that Isabella had almost completely forgotten the reason for her arrival.

Meanwhile, back on Asgard, the royal family is in shambles. Hela has reverted to her cruel nature in the wake of Isabella's departure. Loki is indifferent about the situation, causing tensions between him and his older sister. Thor is not worried about it in the slightest, which also angers Hela. She seems to be the only one suffering from the young woman's absence.

Frigga and Odin have been going from arguing nonstop and complete silence ever since. Not allowing their children to see them in that light, only behind closed doors. However, the reason for their bickering is valid; even though the outcome can not be changed.

Odin finally allowed Frigga in on the plan he's been orchestrating for years. Odin did in fact see Isabella that day, in fact he had been watching her since the moment she was born. He knew exactly who her parents were and sensed something great in her. A power beyond any of their imaginations, one that could build or potentially destroy.

Having seen a potential threat in her existence, he had to come up with something to do. Though he wasn't worried about it before, he was approached by a prophet from another land. Said man had prophesied that Hela would spiral out of control. The time was not definite but the man seemed confident in his prophesy.

Odin of course killed him, based on the belief that he was slandering the royal name. However, the more he thought about it, the likelihood of it happening was high. Hela is a very powerful being and Odin was lucky that she was his daughter. She never opposed him, aside from slight bickering due to their ambitions being misaligned.

His mind would drift back to little Isabella, her parents having fallen from grace. With the possibility of his own daughter having to be cast out, he saw an opportunity. If there was a way he could get the two together, it might solve his problems. He knew Hela always felt like an outsider in the family.

Having spent most of her life training, not being afforded the privileges of eating with the family. She spent most of her time alone due to her gifts. Odin saw greatness in her and pushed her harder than he should've. If Isabella and Hela were to meet, they could be each other's other half. Bonding over their solitude and longing for attention.

So, he orchestrated a diversion of the conquest. Overthrowing a land that was of no threat to the throne. Convincing Hela by presenting it as a training for her; to prepare her for bigger battles. Whilst the majority of his company were in the heat of the fight, he was lurking in the shadows.

As soon as he'd isolated the family of three, he emerged. Meeting the frightened parents outside the cave. He promised to bless Isabella with protection. They both had hopes but knew it was a possibility that their daughter would perish. So this proposition did not faze them, they merely nodded and ran off.

Odin creeped into the cave, being met with a small and shivering form. He muttered the curse over her, binding the young girl's fate to his daughter's. Even if they'd never met, they would be drawn to each other. He couldn't predict how long it would take but the king was willing to wait. So when Isabella arrived, he was not surprised in the slightest.

Nor was he worried when she stormed out because he knew she would be back. He noticed how the two had been getting closer. He didn't intend for them to fall in love but it was no threat to his intentions, so he let it be. Frigga having only found out after Isabella left suddenly, is furious. Not to mention learning that Odin orchestrated that too.

He needed Hela and Isabella to be separated for a while. Having a feeling that Hela was close to flying of the hinges. If Isabella was anywhere near her during that time, she would fight it. Odin knew that the only end to this would be banishing Hela, though he wanted to hold it off. When that time came, regardless of the status between his daughter and the young woman, he knew she would fight him.

Given his assumptions on her strength, and his weakened powers due to his age, he feared she might overpower him. So naturally, Frigga is absolutely livid at the revelation. Failing to comprehend why Odin would go to such lengths. The fact that the actions were premeditated, not helping in her tireless efforts to understand.

Isabella is blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding on Asgard. Focusing solely on realizing her powers and finding her true self. The blonde witch is not blind to the obvious heartache Isabella is pushing through. She just chooses not to mention it, for fear that it will distract the brunette.

Cordelia knows there is something coming for Isabella. Something even her mother could not have known. The witch is aware that the young goddess will need all the strength she can muster to fight against it. So she had been working endlessly on providing Isabella with the tools she needs.

Cordelia hopes and prays that she has not failed either goddess. Giving it her best shot to not only fulfill her promise to Até but to herself as well. Looking at Isabella reminds her of the little girl she used to play with. Full of life and curiosity of the future and everything around her. She knows that she hasn't had it easy but seeing even a sliver of that return, has brought her great joy.

Her only concern is if her unwillingness to face and combat her feelings will end up hurting her more. If the powers she has revealed to her will turn dark due to her pent up aggression. Cordelia's only option is to stay positive and believe in herself and the young woman. Showing Isabella as much compassion as she has so that maybe she will remember when things get tough.

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