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It's silent for a while between the two, neither of them wishing to break it. They both had an almost primal craving for each other after being apart. Yet here they were, unable to look each other in the eye. Isabella takes a deep breath, deciding she'll be the one to cut through the stillness.

"Why were you throwing daggers at the wall?" she asks plainly, not interested in beating around the bush. "I've been preparing" the goddess answers, not really wanting to elaborate. Mostly because she lied; she never 'prepares' especially in her room. "Preparing for what?" Isa asks, putting Hela on the spot.

"For the umm—next part of the... conquest" she mumbles, whispering the last word like a curse. As if such a vile word should never be on her tongue, and yet, it's all she's ever known. "So that's why you've been m.i.a?" Hela was beginning to grow tired. Confused at how Isabella hadn't put together the pieces yet.

It's not that the goddess desires for Isabella to hate her—because she was sure she would. She just felt this uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach for essentially lying to her. If she just figured it out she could get angry and hopefully they would get past it. Hela thought about just telling her, but—while she did want it to be in the past—she's afraid of losing her.

"Yeah..." Hela lies, figuring that sometimes it's better than the truth. "But I uhh... I missed you too" she adds, the confession feeling foreign against her lips. It's the first time she's ever really expressed affection for another person. Even as a child, she knew not to get too close to people. Having the title 'Goddess of Death' isn't exactly the most inviting.

Missing the presence of another person is not something natural to her. People come and go from her life like water down a drain. Longing for someone to stay has only ever hurt her. So this experience of genuinely missing Isabella, frightens her. A woman she's only know for maybe a few weeks has made such an impact on her life.

Isa merely smiles at the raven-haired woman's admittance, not expecting her to say that. "I heard what you did" Isabella giggles, "what?" Hela asks confused. It can't possibly be that, she thinks—otherwise she feels very concerned that the woman is laughing about it. "I overheard you talking to Frigga about the guards" the younger woman explains.

Hela sighs in relief, though she makes it seem like a breathy chuckle. "Yes, well, I heard you telling Loki about it" she expresses. "You didn't have to do that... kill them" Isa sighs, Hela opens her mouth to apologize but is interrupted. "But thank you. I appreciate it" Isa adds, "oh... you're welcome" Hela replies a bit startled.

She's never been thanked for killing people. It's in her nature to eliminate threats, potential or otherwise. It's what's expected of her given her title, so no one really bats an eye. If anything, she's ridiculed and scolded for it. "Is that something you do often?" Isa chuckles, "well..." Hela trails.

"It's just that Frigga said 'we're going to run out of guards if you keep doing this' so..." Isa points out. "Oh you mean kill guards. No, it's not something I do often she's just... dramatic to say the least" Hela rolls her eyes to which Isa giggles. The goddess feels a warmth through her body at the sound of it.

A spark igniting in her chest knowing that she's the cause of the young woman's joy. It makes her feel like she might be making up for all she's done to her. She thinks that it might soften the blow when she finally figures it out. Hoping that Isa realizes she never intended to hurt her. "By the way... you don't have anything to make up for" Isabella voices.

Hela raises an eyebrow, Isa's statement confusing her even more. This conversation has been a rollercoaster for her, making her remember why she avoided the woman in the first place. "Well you told Frigga that it was the least you could do after everything. I know we had a rough start but it was as much my fault as it was yours, you know" she explains.

"Hmm well... I should've reacted better. You were right, after all. It's my fault you're here" Hela replies, meaning it in more ways than Isabella can imagine. "I appreciate you protecting my honor and all, though. It was really sweet" Isa offers, a soft smile on her face. The goddess is taken aback at her statement, sweet? she thinks.

"They should've never done that. Their job is to protect those in the castle, not that we necessarily need it. But those that do, they shouldn't be the ones hurting them that's antithetical" Hela rambles. She has a point, but she also knows that's not the reason she did it. It was just a few bruises, ones that have mostly healed now.

She didn't need to kill them and for once it wasn't even for fun. She just feels an overwhelming need to protect the young woman. "Fair enough" Isa states, standing up and sighing. Hela stands up too and keeps her eyes on Isabella, not sure of what's happening.

Every time she's around the woman she feels off balance. The level of uncertainty Isa brings makes the goddess feel dizzy. It's the most excited she's been about life in a long time. "I'll let you um—get back to preparing" Isa smiles awkwardly, "oh I'm done" Hela replies. A little part in her hoping that Isa will ask to stay.

"You should get some sleep then... you've been at it for a while" Isa suggests, "I don't really need sleep" Hela responds. Trying to prompt Isa into spending time with her. Her fear of rejection preventing her form just asking, though Isa would say yes a million times over.

"Is there something else you want to do then?" Isa smirks, catching on to what the goddess is doing. "Oh not really... is there something you'd like to do?" Hela counters, "if you want to spend time with me you're gonna have to ask. Otherwise... sleep is calling my name" Isabella states boldly.

"I mean you should sleep if you're tired" Hela replies, feeling a little guilty for not thinking Isabella might be tired. As a goddess she doesn't usually need sleep and she's mostly surrounded by gods. It's easy for her to forget that demi-gods and mortals do like their sleep. "Hela..." Isa scolds lightly, the goddess fighting the urge to cower at her name falling from the woman's lips.

She remembers scolding her for the use of her official title. Yet she much prefers it as she knows now that she's just taking a jab at her. The use of her birth given name makes her feel small but, she finds herself enjoying it in a way. "Fine. I want you to spend time with me" she grumbles, "is that anyway to ask someone for something? Try again, and use your manners this time" Isa says sternly but with a smirk on her face.

"Ugh. Can you spend time with me? And before you ask, I am not saying please" Hela asserts, glaring at the younger woman. "Ok, I'll accept it for now" Isa shrugs, staring at the woman with slightly hooded eyes. "Awww it's so cute that you missed me" she jokes, "don't push it" Hela groans.

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