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I cry and scream as my mother runs with me in her arms. Attempting, and failing, at shielding my eyes from the monstrosity behind us. The only home I've ever known going up into flames and smoke. Warriors of a foreign land marching over the countless dead bodies littering the streets.

"Isabella" my mother's voice echos as she yells out to me. Placing me on the ground and instructing me to run. I try my hardest, having trained in hopes of joining the guard one day. A silly thought it seems as I trip over a rock. "Isabella, get up!" she yells, pulling me to a standing position.

"WAKE UP" I hear someone yell, jolting me violently out my sleep. My eyes snap open and I sit up, feeling heat from behind me. I turn to see nothing but darkness, placing my hand there and sighing as I feel the familiar texture. "Isabella" I turn my head to see Hela towering over me. This woman is everywhere I swear.

I sigh and stand up straight, brushing some dust off my dress. "Sorry" I mumble, "what are you doing out here?" she asks with a firm tone in her voice. "I couldn't sleep. Wandered around and found this" I explain flatly. I look to see Fenris now laying down on his stomach with his head turned towards us.

"You shouldn't be out so late. You could catch a cold" she scolds, "a cold won't kill me. Unfortunately" I mutter the last piece under my breath. "What?" she asks, "nothing. I'll go now" I answer. I scratch behind Fenris' ear and he sighs happily causing me to smile.

"Why are you always walking away from me? Get back here" she grumbles, "because we have nothing to talk about, Goddess of Death" I reply. "Stop using my title as if it's an insult" she spats, "I'm trying to be respectful" I counter. "No you're not. You're being an ass" she argues, walking behind me as I keep heading towards the palace.

"Rich coming from you" I chuckle, "I've been nothing but nice to you" she scoffs. I turn and face her causing the goddess to almost run into me. "Yelling, demanding things, slamming doors, invading my privacy, not to mention the never ending sarcastic comments. That's nice to you?" I ask her incredulously.

"It could be worse" she shrugs, "no, Hela. It really couldn't" I scoff. I turn my back to her and pick up my pace wanting to get away. "I could just kill you" I can hear the smirk on her face and it prompts anger to boil under my skin. "Do it then" I utter, turning around slowly and walking back to her.

"Excuse me?" she chuckles, "do it. Kill me right now" I repeat confidently. "You wouldn't be able to handle the pain" she challenges, "try me" I counter. "See, you don't know me. At least not as well as you think you do, Hela. You don't know what kind of pain I've experienced. So if you're going to kill me, do us all a favor and do it now" I say, our noses almost touching.

"Don't say that" she mumbles, "are you gonna do it or not? Exactly" I sigh. "I said. Do. Not. Say that" she states, "I said it, and I meant it too" I roll my eyes. She just stares at me, not moving or speaking for a solid minute. I turn away again and this time she lets me go, just like last time. I'm hoping this isn't a common theme between us, it's tiring.

I enter the doors of the palace and attempt using muscle memory to guide me back. I finally arrive at the door and smile proudly to myself. I hope I can just sleep through the day and forget everything with Hela. As I open the door my smile immediately drops upon seeing two guards in my room.

Their heads quickly turn in my direction, having been going through my things before I arrived. It's not like they're really mine, but still. "The queen has requested to see you" one of them says with a smirk, "fine" I sigh. Leaving no room for further questioning, they each take one of my arms and lead me wherever the queen is.

I try to pull out of their grip but they keep a good hold on me. Their hands are so tightly fixed around my arms I fear they might leave bruises. I bite my lip as I fight back letting any sound of pain escape me. I don't want to rile them up even more. At last we come to a door and one of them let's go of me to knock.

"Come in" a sweet voice sounds and the other guy quickly drops my arm. It's as though I can feel what's coming next so I turn my head to him. Glaring at him and silently daring him to do it. He smirks but turns to walk away as the door opens. I fix my dress and walk in with my head high.

"Close the door behind you, darling" Frigga says and I nod. She pats the chair next to her and I walk over to sit. "It's time to tell me where you came from" she sighs, the seemingly permanent smile never leaving her face. "But you know where I came from" I reply, acting confused.

"You know what I mean, Isabella. Your home" she clarifies. "I don't have a home" I state, "everyone has a home. Tell me what happened to it" she states. I take a deep breath and I assume she can tell I'm struggling. One of her hands rests on my knee, rubbing up and down in an attempt to soothe me.

It reminds me of how my mother would always do that after reading a story for me at night. I place my hand over hers and slowly raise my gaze. "It's ok, Isabella. You can trust me" she promises, I swallow a lump in my throat as she says that. I can't trust anyone. But at this point... what do I have to lose?

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