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It was an unusually sunny day in Dreake, also referred to as the 'dream city of the lake'. The citizens of Dreake were all participating in their yearly festival of roses. The land was plentiful when it came to the aromatic plant. As time wound down and the sun began to set, they all moved to the city center.

People of all ages gathering around the growing bonfire. Some of them throwing in various items either to rid themselves of something for the coming year, or as an offer to their respective gods. No matter what their individual ambitions, they came together every year to celebrate.

As everyone is finally settling down with their families, a crash is heard. This alarms everyone, considering their realm is typically very quiet. Maybe a little hustle and bustle at midday during peak market time, but other than that it's almost silent. Their worry only rises once they feel the ground begin to shake violently underneath them.

On the horizon a seemingly endless heard of warriors are approaching swiftly. Everyone tries to scramble to their feet, grabbing their children to shield them. Fire flies through the air, arrows and spears being catapulted towards the crowd. Deafening screams ring out amongst them as they scatter.

Each family attempting to stay together admits the chaos. Hundreds die of trampling, the others meeting their fate at the hands of the warriors. A few managed to duck into dark alleyways but as they say: you can run, but you can't hide. Fortunately for one family, that wasn't the case.

Little Isabella and her parents narrowly escaped and run for the hills. Sprinting through the forest and dodging fauna left and right. Finally they make it to a cave where Isa's mother rushes in and places her child. Planting a kiss on her forehead with tears running down her face.

Urging her young child to shelter in so she can stay safe. Shortly after her mother runs out of the cave. Fleeing so as to not draw attention to their daughter's location. They could only run so long before they were met with an impermeable brigade. They were slaughtered ruthlessly, the warriors laughing as their screams pierced through the air.

Isabella told what she could remember from that tragic day. Not knowing just how important this information really was. Frigga listens carefully as the younger woman tells her of that dreadful evening. Only being able to recall bits and pieces as her eyes were covered for some of it.

The only tangible piece of information she could provide, was the name of her home. That being enough for Frigga to readily call to mind what Isabella was trying to get across. After Isa has finished Frigga thanks her and tells her she's free to go. An opportunity the brunette jumps at, needing the time alone after reliving the worst day of her life.

While Isa heads out to see Fenris, Frigga hurries to visit her husband. Upon finding Odin she regurgitates everything Isabella just told her. Trying to gauge the king's reaction to see if her assumption is correct. Based on the raise of his eyebrows she knows she is right.

They both continue to discuss the matter in hushed whispers. Not knowing they're being eavesdropped on by none other than Hela. At the realization of what truly occurred that day, Hela flinches back. She stares aimlessly at the ground for a moment, an odd sensation running through her body.

Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as she vividly remembers that day, as if it's happening in front of her all over again. The triumph she felt, the reckless abandon and adrenaline pumping through her veins. She shudders at the feeling, one that once brought her great joy and pride.

Knowing she had a hand in tainting the mind of such a precious being, began to haunt her. The goddess knew she needed to clear her head, not desiring to hear the rest of her mother and father's conversation. She too headed towards her beloved companion's cave. Not knowing what awaited her upon arriving.

Meanwhile, Frigga and Odin proceed even deeper into discussion. Tension rising in the room as they argue over it. "You know I never agreed with your conquest, hurting innocent people. It's against our creed! That is one thing. On top of that, you didn't even have the decency to do a sweep of the perimeter. Killing them is harsh enough but leaving that girl with those memories? She watched her family die" Frigga voices exasperatedly.

"What's done is done" Odin replies simply, pushing himself to stand. Her husband's lack of remorse only further infuriates Frigga. She huffs and crosses her arms as she thinks of what to say. "Why are you so—nonchalant about this?" she asks, her frustration having almost reached its limit.

Odin's next words open up a door full of secrets. Darkness seeming to float in the air as he explains. Once his summary, much too concise for Frigga, is over; she stands there in disbelief. Not uttering another word she turns and leave the room. Odin permitting the shock to wear off, knowing she'll want to debate further once she's cooled down.

He is right about one thing, however. What's done is done. He can't take back what he did and neither can Frigga as much as she may want to. No amount of anger or resentment will turn back the clock.

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