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Hela's pov
After I left the room I went to find Cordelia. Despite my hesitancy to engage with her, I know I have an obligation to uphold. I finally catch her in the kitchen and clear my throat to get her attention. She spins around with a soft smile that slightly fades when her brain catches up. "Hela" she states, "Cordelia" I reply as I walk over.

"Look, I don't have much time. Isa told me that she already told you everything that's going on..." I say questioningly, "correct" she affirms. "I know how she is, as do you I assume, so I need to just get it over with" I say, "I'm not following" she replies confused. "After she falls asleep tonight, I'm going to Asgard to handle it" I explain and she sets down her mug slowly.

"She will be furious when she wakes up, you know that. Plus, you're basically asking me to lie to her" the blonde points out, "not lie. Just withhold the truth. I don't need her getting hurt, especially because we're tied together. If she knows I'm going, there will be nothing that can stop her from following me. I want—need—to do this for her, she doesn't deserve to see anymore destruction" I assert.

"Even if I agree... she'll find out at some point" she points out, "sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness, than permission" I reply. She sighs and I can see her thinking about it really hard. "We never had this conversation" she says, "what conversation?" I joke with a smirk. She shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes.

Maybe she's not so bad after all. I go back up to the room only to find Isabella already asleep. I quickly and quietly shut the door behind me and head out the front door after nodding to Cordelia. I seek out the nearest open space and, upon finding it, I plant my feet firmly. I call for them to open the Bifrost and within seconds I'm being swept up.

I'm coming for you Odin...

Isabella's pov
I jolt out my sleep after feeling a sharp pain in my chest. My head quickly turns to see Hela isn't next to me. I jump out of bed, fighting through the pain. I have no clue what I'm doing but all I know is that I need to find her. I rush down the stairs, wincing at the pain that seems to never stop. I look all around before heading outside and checking the greenhouse.

I let out a strangled scream as my frustration rises. The pain dulls a little as my adrenaline rises, I assume. I run back into the house and I'm clearly not paying attention as I run into someone. I look up to apologize and see Cordelia standing there. Her arms around my waist to hold me up as a concerned expression morphs onto her face.

"H-hela" I pant, "breathe, sweetheart. Please..." she replies. I take a few deep breaths and manage to calm myself down. "Where is she?" I ask frantically, "umm" she responds looking confused. "Ugh. Ok" I grunt, thanking her for catching me, before heading back up to the room. Where could she possibly have go- she didn't.

She did seem really pissed when I first told her, I could see the anger in her eyes. Then that weird apology to me before she just left the room... she did. I change into the most suitable fighting clothes I have on me and grab some good shoes. I teleport to the field I used before, as I know Cordelia won't let me leave if I tell her.

I call for them to open the Bifrost but it's taking a really long time. God damn it, Hela. What the fuck did you do?! I call out again and I still get no sort of response. I start pondering on how I'm going to get there if I can't go through the Bifrost. Could I teleport there? It's a long shot but it's the only idea I've got, so I decide to test it out.

It takes me a few tries, at first I just get very small flashes of Asgard. Finally I open my eyes and I'm standing at the end of the Bifrost bridge, furthest away from the sword. My eyes widen as I take in the once pristine kingdom. There's fire everywhere, the sound of desperate screams fill my ears along with the view of people running around frantically.

I take cautious steps closer until I'm in the city center. There are people running all around me, some of them hitting my shoulder every now and then. I tilt my head back to see the palace become engulfed in flames. A figure flying out while holding someone, or maybe the other way around? They plummet to the ground and I can feel it shake beneath me.

I'm frozen to the spot as the world continues to move around me; until I feel another pain shoot through me. I spring into action and beginning running, letting my feet carry me wherever I'm supposed to go. I end up at a big hole in the earth, a cracked dent more like it. I glance around as I hear metal clashing against each other.

I spot Hela and Thor going at it, her with two necroswords and him with Mjølnir. I stare at them for a while, noticing dried blood on Thor's face. Hela doesn't look like she has a single scratch but I know she's been hurt, I can literally feel it. I see him lunge for her and at first I'm not worried, Hela is an excellent fighter.

Then things start to move slower for me, I see how her attention was taken away slightly. She must've seen me. Now his hammer is in a direct pathway for her torso. Without much thought, I jump forward and in front of her body. Putting my hands out in front of me to shield myself from the blow as much as possible.

I barely make it between them as his hammer smashes against my hand. I cry out as I hit the ground, my back hurting more than anything. "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be... home" Hela scolds, I don't reply to her I just stand up. "Did you take me for a fool? As if I wouldn't notice you were gone and know exactly where you went" I counter.

Meanwhile she's still fighting Thor and I roll my eyes. "Listen, Thor, we don't have to do this. Just... stop and think about this rationally" I propose. "I don't need to think about anything. If you think it's ok for your girlfriend to just kill innocent people then so be it. But I won't allow it" he says and my body instantly heats up at his words.

I quickly step between them and grab his hammer. "Would you like to say that again?" I ask, staring deeply into his eyes as my vision seems to get clearer. "W-what?" he asks confused as his eyes dart between mine and I chuckle as I lower his hand. He tries to fight against it but he's too weak against me. "You said, and I quote, 'if you think it's ok for your girlfriend to just kill innocent people then so be it'" I mock him.

"Shit... Isabella you know I didn't-" "mean it 'like that'? But didn't you?" I ask softly as I pout sarcastically. "I'm done playing these childish games with you. I'll give you two options, and two options only, non-negotiable" I state and he goes to open his mouth but I raise my eyebrows. "You either surrender and you can run back to your little friends on Midgard... or... you die" I propose and his face drops.

"You wouldn't-" "I wouldn't test her if I were you" Hela interjects. He glances behind me before meeting my eyes again. "You don't have the balls" he smirks, I smirk too before I start giggling. "Oh, thunder boy. It really was such a—well I would say it was a pleasure to know you but I don't like to lie" I say booping his nose.

He opens his mouth and I wrap my hand around his throat causing him to drop the hammer. "So... would you like the honor of being killed with your own weapon or can I get creative?" I ask as I lift him off the ground. "I-Isabella" he chokes, "w-what was that? Are you going to beg now? I'd love to hear that" I mock him, looking up with 'innocent' eyes.

"Isa-bella... please... h-h-have mercy" he begs, "that was subpar at best, but I guess it doesn't matter since I was gonna kill you either way" I chuckle. "Axe, please" I reach behind me knowing Hela is standing there. I feel the weight fall into my hands and quickly grab his hair instead before slicing his neck. His body falls to the ground and I hold his head a bit closer to me.

"He really wasn't all that good looking" I mumble to myself, "exactly" I hear Hela say. I drop it and turn around to face her, a soft smile spreading on my face. I curl my finger telling her to come closer before I grab her neck. "If you ever leave without telling me again... there will be consequences" I state and she nods while biting her lip.

"Nice of you to save me again" she says as we walk, stepping over dead bodies. "Well technically it was my fault you were in trouble" I point out, "very true. I take back my thank you" she jokes. "I have to open a portal. If we leave the Bifrost open it could destroy Midgard" she tells me, "ok" I reply waiting for her.

She opens it up, the color being a black and a shimmery dark green. "Sexy" I whisper as she reaches out her hand for me, "oh there's plenty more where that came from" she teases me. We step in and exit on the porch of the academy. "I love you, Hela" I mutter as I hold onto her face, "I love you too" she sighs.

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