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They emerge from behind the rock formation, glancing at each other before looking ahead. Hela steps forward first, the attention of the guards directing to her. They take their stance and Hela pushes back her hair, forming her crown, as she readies herself. She turns her head to check on Isabella but the brunette looks calm.

Almost too calm, Hela thinks, given the situation they find themselves in. The goddess shakes her head to regain focus and starts to approach the enemy. One comes directly for her and the other three seem to surround Isabella. Out the corner of her eye, she can see the brunette holding them off; basically just darting between them.

Although it's not the best strategy, she assumes Isabella's trying to distract them until she can get over there. Meanwhile, Isa is checking for weak spots. Due to her recent discovery of who her parents were, it has unlocked new senses. Day by day her powers are emerging, as if her true dna is being released.

Isabella can clearly see these beings are made of marble. Based on her seemingly downloaded information on the material, it's actually quite fragile. Veins are spread all over the surface, which link to others beneath. If she can find the right spot to hit, she can shatter them in one big blow.

While Hela's approach is more offensive and violent, Isa takes a more defensive and calculated one. The brunette has her strategy all laid out. She knows the guards aren't stupid, they won't hit their comrade if she's on them. So, if her movements are quick, she has ample time to search for the spot she needs.

Hela is surprised by Isa's blocking tactics, not really knowing where she learned them. Even if she prefers the brunette not play around and just attack, she can admire her agility and flexibility which prevents her from harm. It's just odd to the goddess watching a person opt for hand-to-hand combat with a creature made of stone.

As they both continue with their chosen tactics, Isa is getting closer to her goal. Hela is struggling to defeat the one that seems invincible. It frustrates her because she doesn't understand how Isa can hold off three but she can't even defeat one. It makes her question herself as to why and realizing that she actually did need help.

This leads to her attack becoming even more aggressive and erratic. Her anger getting the best of her and making her lose sight of the plan. As she tries her best to push through and think, she hears yelling. "I NEED AN AXE" Isabella yells and Hela thinks: finally. Isa has finally decided to use actual force to defeat them.

Then again, maybe it's because she expected Hela to save her and she failed. With the mixed emotions present in her mind she forms the axe and tosses it. Isabella catches it, slightly stumbling at the weight adjustment. She's never held one of Hela's weapons before and it took her by surprise how dense they actually are.

The goddess herself is actually impressed by how quick Isa recovered from it. Everyone who holds even her necroswords are off balance, let alone the axe, which is much thicker. They both turn back to their objectives and continue. Isa takes a deep breath as they once again crowd around her.

She runs between the legs of one, hitting him on the back in the spot she memorized. Using the flat end of the axe for more pressure and exerting all she has. The first blow knocks her back a bit, the recoil being more than she initially expected. She quickly gathers herself and moves on to the next one, knocking them down within seconds.

Hela glances over, finding it odd as she sees Isabella flipping the axe to the other side. Then she sees the beings crumble, one right after the other. Only a single blow being inflicted on them. She freezes in place upon seeing it, her mind not being able to compute. Whilst in awe of her companion, Hela is swept off her feet by the remaining guard.

Isabella turns to see this and groans to herself as she's quite tired. Not being used to fighting, she didn't adequately disperse her force. Leaving her sore and in need of a nap, but she pushes through. She runs over and quickly assesses the situation. "Let her go" the brunette yells as Hela wiggles to no avail.

The goddess is embarrassed, to say the least, nothing like this has ever happened to her. However, she's never fought creatures made of stone either. "She is not to leave. Orders" the creature grumbles and Isa rolls her eyes. "Hard way it is" she mumbles to herself before trying to speed up her previous process.

That is, until she hears Hela scream. Isabella's body goes rigid, never having heard the goddess make any sound resembling that. The pure fear in her voice makes Isa's blood run cold. She comes to face the creature again, seeing his eyes on Hela as he squeezes. Something in the brunette ignites, her eyes flashing colors.

As her irises fade into a marbled vermillion/amber, she lets out a growl-like sound. Her veins begin to shine, lighting with silver underneath her skin. Hela watches, her body feeling hot as a scream reverberates through the space. Judging on how the grip of the creature loosens, he too has never seen anything like this.

Isabella has had enough, this has gone on entirely too long for her liking. Without knowledge of her appearance, she rushes at the creature. Hitting him straight in the chest with the axe and causing him to stumble back. Hela's mouth has just been wide open, having surpassed being shocked.

The brunette gets a sudden idea and smirks to herself. "I think it's time for a shave, don't you?" she chuckles, confusing both Hela and the creature. Isabella plants the axe into the ground, for the time being, and raises her hands. Without a second's hesitation she begins blasting him with fire.

At first, it seems like a futile attempt and he chuckles at her 'stupidity'. Which, in his case, was a very very bad thing to do. It upset Isa, the creature acting as though she was inferior to him. As her anger increases, so does the heat of the fire; akin to that of an inferno but in a more controlled manner. He quickly stops laughing and tries to move which makes Isabella chuckle.

As if an internal switch is flipped in her she moves with inhuman speed. Grabbing the axe and launching herself at the spot she's been heating up. Her hands surrounded in a dark black smoke with a red shimmer. She doesn't notice, as the axe is behind her head. As she swings and connects it with the stone, her eyes are on his face.

She smirks as his face goes rigid, even more so than before. As he slowly crumbles he groans and she lands to the ground watching him. His hand holding Hela disintegrates and Isabella quickly catches her before she hits the pavement. The goddess unconsciously grips onto the brunette as the ash settles around them.

"Are you ok?" Isabella asks softly, as she cradles Hela carefully in her arms. The raven-haired woman turns to look at her, fear in her eyes. Overall her curiosity blooms as she notices the younger woman's features. They're all back to normal as if they never changed. Hela slowly pushes away and Isa eases her to the ground.

Still keeping a hand on her to make sure she's steady enough of her own. Part of Hela feels offended by her affection. She feels it's a sign that Isabella thinks she's weak. "Let's get out of here" the brunette says before Hela can think of it anymore. The goddess simply nods and they walk out through the portal, landing on Asgardian soil.

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