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— JUDE —

I'M BORED. Extremely bored. I had an early training session today that finished at one and now it's two and I'm sitting on my couch in the living room bored.

Gio's busy with Chloe so we can't hang out like usual. That's when Harmony pops into my mind. I held out from calling her since I assumed she was busy but now I'll call.

I dial her number, waiting for her to pick up. After a few rings she does.

"Jude Bellingham." She says. I can feel her smirk from here.

"Harmony Simmons." I say in the same manor.

"What did I do to be graced with a call from you?" She asks

"I can't call my girlfriend just because?"

"Shut up." She laughs. I love her laugh.

"I'm extremely bored." I reveal

"You're bored at 2 in the afternoon?" She asks


"What are you doing?" I ask

"Nothing, watching tv." She tells

"Let's do something." I suggest.



"No? To lunch?" She asks

"Yes. No. That's boring." I say

"Well, what do you want to do then?"

"Surprise me." I smile as I wait for her response on the phone.

"Hmmm, okay be here in ten minutes. Bring a hat. Any hat." She advises.

"What? Why?" I'm confused

She doesn't answer she hangs up the call.

"Of course she hangs up the phone instead of just answering. Of course." I mutter to myself sighing.

I'm trying to think of what her surprise is as I arrive at her apartment. I knock on her door, hat in my hand as promised.

"Hi." I greet as she opens the door.

"Hey." She steps aside to let me in.

"So, what's this surprise idea of yours and why on earth do I need a hat?" I question

She inspects my hat, taking it from my fingers.

"Good choice." She nods

"We are going to be changing identities today." She grins

"We're what?" I'm very confused

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