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JUDE AND I are on our way to this club event that he's been invited to. He apparently gets those invitations a lot so we have to go.

I'm a little more hopeful this time seeing as the last club we went to together we got into a fight. But now we've become somewhat friends, I think we can actually have a good time and get on.

He helps me out of the car and then we walk inside. When we get in, we're greeted by security and the man hosting the club event. He shows us to our table that already a few people are already sat on.

He doesn't know any of them but still greets them anyways and starts up a small conversation to break the ice. I've got to say, even though he gave me the shittest greeting known to man, he's very good at greeting others.

"Looks like we've only got each other to talk to tonight." He sighs playfully, whispering into my ear so the others don't hear.

"How unfortunate for me." I joke with a small laugh.

He laughs too as he moves away from my ear. His eyes look me up and down.

"You look very nice tonight, Simmons."

"Observation or compliment this time Bellingham?" I ask pretending I'm in deep thought.

"Most definitely a compliment." He leans back a little to study me some more.

"Oh?" I grin.

"So our friendship has now gotten to the level where we compliment each other?"

"Seemingly, yes." He says clearing his throat a little. His arm that's wrapped around the back of the sofa we're sat on shifts a little as he gets himself more comfortable.

I laugh him off shaking my head a little.

"Well, if I'm going to have to talk to you for however long we're here for, I'm gonna need many drinks." I state standing to my feet.

He grabs my hand kissing it. "Get me a drink please love." Definitely full on today with flaunting our fake relationship. Wonder what's gotten into him.

"Someone brought out the acting skills today." I raise an eyebrow.

"What can I say? I don't do anything half hearted." He shrugs.

"What drink do you want?" I ask changing the subject.

"Bacardi and Coke please." He replies and I nod leaving the booth we're in and walking to the bar.

I sit down at the bar, smiling at the bartender who I tell my order to. She gives me another smile before she goes off to make it.

I'm sitting waiting, looking at all of the drinks I can see in the bar. Mentally noting the ones I'm eager to try and the ones I'll steer clear from, when a guy who's about twenty two sits down beside me at the bar. Immediately shouts out loudly his drink order before turning to me.

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