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— JUDE —

LIFE IS fucking fantastic right now. I've finally got the girl of my dreams with me, who loves me as much as I love her. We're happy and we're together. What more could you need in life?

We've just had dinner at my house with my mum who was very very happy to see that we had found our way back to each other. Of course, she's in the dark about the ins and outs of our complicated fake relationship turned into a real one. But she was so happy to see Harmony and I back together.

She told us she thought we were the perfect match and destined to be together which I have to agree on. There's no one out there for me besides Harmony. No one I want to spend my days with more than her.

We're on a walk around the city. Wanted to show her a few things, plus the city looks beautiful at night which makes it romantic.

We're holding hands as we walk. Not obligated to or forced to because there are cameras. It's just because. Because we love each other. That in itself feels amazing.

"Madrid is so pretty." She gushes as we walk down the pavement. We're not far from the house which is helpful because I know she's going to start complaining about her feet hurting soon.

I nod. She starts talking about Madrid and the things she knows about the place. The stories she's heard. I'm not really focusing on her story. I'm just staring at her. My favourite thing in the world to do. Haven't stopped staring at her since we bumped into each other over here. Scared that if I look away she'll disappear.

"You happy here?" She asks me softly, which wipes away my thoughts.

"Yeah. Especially now that you're here." I smile down at her.

She smiles shyly. I can tell her cheeks are heating up just by the look she's giving.

"That's how I felt in Germany." She reveals

"It was so scary moving over there on my own. Not knowing anyone but you and Mike. I felt alone for such a long time. And then you and I started getting closer and hanging out more and actually became friends. I didn't feel lonely anymore. I was really happy." She explains and it's even more conformation that we're meant to be.

"I wish I could of made you feel less alone sooner." I say kissing her hand

"Yeah me too. But you were an asshole for about three months." She jokes nudging me.

"An attractive asshole. So not too bad." I smirk and she nudges me again. Rolls her eyes.

I laugh, pulling her closer to me. Arms over her shoulder, our hands still intertwined.

"See six months ago, a comment like that would of annoyed the shit out of me." She laughs

"Yeah it would of. But now I'm your favourite person and your boyfriend so I get to make these comments all the time and you won't say anything." I smile coyly over at her.

She pulls her head back and laughs. "Don't get it twisted, I'll still put you in check." She says in that sassy way she does that I absolutely love. Wouldn't change that for the world. Or her. I like that she doesn't just conform. That she has her own thoughts and opinions and mind and will stand up for herself and call you out on your shit.

ONLY ON CAMERA | JUDE BELLINGHAM Where stories live. Discover now