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Andrew's POV

Sleeping. That all I basically did. I couldn't think at all, as soon as my room got dark my mind was clear. One week passed like nothing, in few hours It's gonna be midnight. I heard someone knocking on my door and calling me every day. I felt too lazy to talk to anyone.

As I started getting up I felt some frustration. Oh, I haven't had a smoke since that day, right. I decided to take my usual walk as I smoke since I slept for so long.

I always thought I looked like a drug dealer or something even worse when I wear these big hoodies. I just don't like attention that's all, why do I need to show my face as I'm walking?

As always my walks end up in front of that mouth watering place. A dream for every submissive. Place where you can find your long awaited dom. As I gazed at that beautiful place I didn't see big trouble coming towards me.

Noah's POV

I came to see my boyfriends and see if they finally found doms. I look at them as my family now basically, boyfriend thing I say is of course joke. I'm always protective of them and act as their boyfriend when they find some dickhead dom. As we've gone out for a smoke we all looked at some kid in massive hoodie being bullied. By those assholes doms from the club?

"Yeah that's how low your head should be kid. You bumped into me and could've burned me with your cigarette as well." he growled while pushing his head even lower.

I felt so mad just looking at him abusing their big physic since that kid looked like a feather. Doms beside him just laughed, so pathetic from them.

"Get down and lick my shoe as an apology, now." he hissed as kid immediately got down.

Submission? That was too fast, normal person would probably object and do it if there's no way out.

"Hey, hey! Bullying a kid? That's real cheap, aye!"

Kyle stepped in, little taller than that kid but totally buffed. He is a real trouble when he gets mad and of course my first sub friend. I smiled a little as other subs that support Kyle also came to help. Well that was for sure not a good place to abuse a sub buddy. I never intertwine in this since subs mostly like to help other subs while abused. That's just how they really bond, same as family always having your back.

"Go away you psycho bitches, I need to teach him a lesson!" he yelled as kid trembled but rest of them were unfazed.

"Don't joke with me boy, I'm older here. Go away before we make this messy for you." Kyle hissed mad at boy trying to order him around.

"Yeah get lost! You bully!" rest of them yelled as that bratty dom started walking away with other doms looking furious.

They lifted up kid probably to take him to the bathroom so he can wash his face and calm down. No one could see his face from his hood but that's maybe better since he could feel anxious if everyone saw his face.

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