Chapter 1 - I'm not a nong

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"Becky! Becky!"
"I'm coming, dady!" The 20 years old girl yelled from her bedroom.

💭 Why is my dad yelling? I'm not running late. Neither he is... on the contrary, we're even early...

"Calm down, guys, I'm finishing dressing. What's up with you today?" The girl asked from the top of the stairs.

Even Bonbon came to "call" his mom...

"Lord Budha, what is going on?" The hazel-eyed girl asked to the dog who happily wagged his tail for the actress. "Tell me, baby, what's going on with all of you today huh? Have you gone crazy?" The thai/british girl asked her puppy in a soft voice.

Five minutes later, the actress came down the stairs, beautiful and stunning (as always) taking the breath away from a totaly speechless Freen Sarocha.

The sulky face immediately broke into a beautiful large smile when she saw her co star there, standing in front of her, waiting patiently for her.

"Freen! 🥰🥰🥰"
"Good morning little girl! That was all the actress managed to say...
"Good morning beautiful princess.  What a wonderful surprise you're here!" Said the youngest girl already throwing herself into the older one's arms.

Freen couldn't avoid a huge smile, mirroring the smaler girl and hugging her back.

"Did you like the surprise?" Freen asked softly.
"Are you kidding me? I loved it!"
"But you sounded pretty pissed off  a few seconds ago..." The actress teased.
"Impression of yours..." Becky said bluntly.
"Of course it was. Hahahahaha."
"But tell me, what are you doing here? Are you okay, babe?" Becky asked genuinely worried ready checking on Freen's temperature.
"Yes, I'm good, bae (baby). Don't worry. I just wanted to surprise you, nong."

When she heard the word "nong", Rebecca frowned

"So I called your daddy and asked him if he would mind if I stopped by and took you to the studio with me today." The older girl said smiling.

"That's perfect!" Becky said smiling too.
"Well, let's have breakfast, my girls!" Becky's mom invited happily.
"Oh, I apreciate, but..."
"No dear Freen, we have a deal. We agreed you'd come to pick Becky  up and you'd have breakfast with us." Rebecca's father said softly.
"Okay... I just don't want to disturb. I know I called unexpectedly, and..."
"Sweet Sarocha, you'll never be a disturb! It's a pleasure to have you with us, sweetie! You make us really happy coming by." Becky's mom said.

Becky was mesmerized.  She could barely say something. All she managed to do was to stare at Freen.

💭 Lord Budha, she's so perfect. She's so beautiful and completely flawless..

"Becky!" Richie took his sister out of her daydream.
"Excuse me little one. I want to say hi to Freen." The older sibiling said giggling.
"Oh, I'm sorry." The youngest girl  said getting out of the way.

Richie approached  the newly arrived girl and hugged her saying:

"Hello dear Freen. How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time... I missed you!"

On hearing Richie's words and seeing him hugging her P'Freen, Becky sulked. And said in a mood:

"Okay, let's take a sit and have our breakfast at once before we're late."

The Armstrong family exchanged a knowing look and the youngest's parents smiled in amusement. Freen noticed the sourness in her nong's voice and immediately broke free from Richie's comfortable embrace, went after her, and holding both her hands, asked softly:

"Angel, is everything allright?"
"Yes, I'm just..."
"Jealous." Her brother completed.

Rebecca looked at her brother with a death gaze. Richie understood he had crossed a line and lowering his head, the guy agreed...

"Yes, let's have breakfast before all of us get late."

After a very pleasant moment in family, where Sarocha was all attentious and pampering with Becky, both actresses said good bye and headed to the studio. On their way they talked animatedly. The youngest was genuinely relieved that she didn't have to compete for Freen's attention. And Sarocha couldn't help it... having realized this, she brought the subject up...

"Becky, what happened today with your brother, angel?" She asked softly holding the thai/british's hand in hers.
"Mmmm, nothing, why?"
"Nothing? That wasn't what all of us saw, BB. Tell me..."

The hazel-eyed girl whispered...

"Would you believe me if I told you that I don't know?" The younger girl said honestly.
"Freen, I don't know what came over me, but hearing  Richie say he missed you... aaahhhh." Rebecca confessed a little bit shy.

Freen couldn't help the overwhelming happiness she felt inside her chest, but she tried her very best to hide her emotions.

"Nong, come on! You don't have to feel threatened..."
"Nong? Are you serious, Phi?" Becky made a point of emphasizing the "phi" part.

Sarocha was a little confused...

"Angel, why are you that annoyed?"
"Oh Sarocha, for Christ sake! I thought we were over it. Honestly, I don't think there's any more room for this kind of formality between us, right? Only today, you've already called me "nong" twice in less than 1 hour! I even understand that you do this in public, but even between us? Frankly! 🤬"
"Becky I..."
"No. It's okay. You don't need to say anything. I'm your nong, I was never more than that for you and I will never be!" The girl said genuinely upset.

Freen realized she had hurt Rebecca and felt really bad for this...

"Becky... I'm sorry..."
"It's okay. I've already told you. No appologies needed." The younger actress said really hurt, closing her eyes while she leaned her head against the passenger window trying to control her emotions.

Freen couldn't stop thinking about the mess she had made... and she couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful woman by her side, who followed silently the rest of the path.

When she parked the car in Idf parking lot, the thai girl was staring at Becky admiring her and thinking of a way to make her co star forgive her.

"Hey Becky, wake up Angel. We arrived."
"I'm not sleeping P'Freen. I'm on my way. Thank you very much for the ride. You didn't have to bother. Anyways, I appreciate your concern."  The 20 years old girl said politely. "Mmm, now I'm excusing myself Phi." And she opened the car door to get out, but when she was about to do that, Rebecca felt Sarocha's soft touch holding her arm.
"Hey, wait, please."

Becky looked at her and said:

"Beware, Phi, you're risking others seing you with a nong. This might be really embarassing. Like I said, thank you very much for the ride. You really didn't have to bother. Now, excuse me, nong now needs to go to dress up as an adult in the hair and make up room, so when khun Phi arrives to shoot, maybe you can forget that you're acting with a child. See you." And with this, she left, leaving the eldest alone behind in her car.

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