Chapter 8 - It's getting hard to hide

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"Come on, let's eat. I don't want to have to wait another minute to rehearse with you."

Dinner was lively. Freen and Becky fed each other all the time and couldn't stop touching.

When they finished eating, Freen made a point of helping with the kitchen, and despite the protests of the Armstrong family, the almond-eyed girl said that she wouldn't feel well if she couldn't help. So it was Freen, Becky and Richie tidying up and mom and dad Armstrong said goodbye and went to the bedroom.

As soon as Richie finished sweeping the kitchen, he made sure the girls didn't need any more help. Both refused, since they were already finishing their tasks. So the older brother said goodbye to his sister and Freen and also went to his bedroom. But before leaving, he whispered in Becky's ear:

"Be brave, little sis! Go after your happiness, princess! I love you!"

Becky's eyes sparkled and she silently nodded and smiling at her beloved brother, she replied:

"I love you too, big bro! Good night."

Freen couldn't help but smile when she saw the complicity and love between the siblings. When Richie left, Rebecca turned to look at Freen and saw her passionate look and asked smiling:

"Becbec, in my eyes you're the perfect creation, because you can bring brightness to people's lives, even without having seen any of them, I see you like this, as the most beautiful and perfect creation. I will always stay by your side, bb. Thank you for being my little paradise in earth!"

The thai/british girl smiled completely melted, and taking a deep breath (to encourage herself) she said, staring at Freen's eyes:

"Have you ever just looked at someone while they're doing something small like talking or smiling or laughing and you just smile effortlessly because they mean eveything to you? Well, that's me when I look at you. 🥰🥰"

Sarocha couldn't avoid a huge smile and she rushed to embrace the love of her life without saying anything. After a few minutes, Freen stated:

"Yes, bb. I have. Every time I'm with you is exactly like I feel!"

Both women stayed there hugging for a while, saying nothing, as words weren't necessary. Their bodies translated perfectly what they felt. It was the best feeling ever. No one wanted to leave. That was more than a hug, it was a meeting of souls. At that moment their bodies confessed the love they felt, their hearts beating synchronized at an absurd speed, but the words didn't come, at least not the ones they so wanted to say and hear.

So Rebecca couldn't contain herself any longer: she kissed Freen's neck, who shivered all over, and said:

"Let's go to my bedroom, princess? We can rehearse the bathtub scene..."

💭 Fuck Rebecca, you wanna drive me crazy, right? Out of all the scenes we could rehearse, which let's be honest, they're all very intimate and sensual, did you really have to choose this one right now? How do you expect me to be able to hold myself, to mantain self control? Specially after this kiss...

"Baby, are you okay? It's okay if you don't want to rehearse, we can go to sleep... I - I'm sorry t-to propose this. I-I think I crossed a line." Becky said embarassed by Sarocha's lack of response.

Then the younger girl let go of her co star and left with her head down. At that moment Freen ran after her saying:

"You need to stop jumping into conclusions! I don't remember saying that I didn't want to rehearse, much less that you've crossed a line here. I was just wondering how am I supposed to do that without wanting to..."
"Wanting to...?" The thai/british girl encouraged.
"Kiss you.." The words of the almond-eyed girl came out so quietly that they were almost unheard.

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