Chapter 17 - Their own bubble

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"I love you more, baby! That's impossible!"

After taking a quick shower, the couple left hand in hand towards the living room. Halfway there they crossed paths with Richie, who asked to talk to his sister.

"I'll let you guys talk." Freen said pecking Becky's lips.

The thai/british girl held her hand tight saying:

"My love, you can stay!"

Richie agreed with his sister.

"I know that, angel. But no, I won't. This is a conversation you both should have all alone, princess. We can talk about it latter if you want to, but now I'd rather go and help your mom. I love you BecBec! See you soon."

Rebecca couldn't help but look passionately at her girlfriend.

"You love her the most! We can see that, sis." Richie said.
"Yes, she's my life!"
"You know what Becky? Sometimes all you really need is just one person. Only one person who understands you entirely, one person with whom you can share your thoughts with safety, trust  and without judgement.  One person who won't give up on you, nor you on them,  no matter how tough things get. Sometimes all you really need is someone to just be there, not necessarily doing anything or saying something, but to just be there when you need them. Sometimes the words "I've got you " Are all you need to hear to keep going.  As you grow,  you really do realize that quality is far greater than quantity, and these relationships must be treasured. So hold onto her, BecBec, with everything you've got and make sure she always knows that she's got you too!"
"You're right... I promise I'll do my very best to make sure she's happy!"
"Becky, the most beautiful feeling is when you get so comfortable with someone that you find yourself telling things you have never told to anyone else before.  You and Freen always had that.  Nothing and no one will ever change that! You love each other in a beautiful and pure way.  Never doubt it!"

The younger sister smiled and hugged her big brother.

"Richie, I'm sorry! I was so stupid!"
"No baby girl, I am the one who owes apologies. But I swear for God, I didn't mean to be disrespectful to you or Freen. "
"I know... don't worry. That was just me being possessive. I overreacted, Richie. I'm so afraid of losing her... I just don't understand what happened to me... I never felt this way..."
"It's okay. I understand. But baby, I'd NEVER do something like that to you! I love you!"
"I love you too, big brother! I'm sorry I overreacted."
"Becbec, if I can give you one advice: take care; one request,  don't forget her and the love she feels for you; one wish, I just want you to be happy. My little sis, one truth: you both are really in love! And I couldn't be happier! I love you, Rebecca, and I want you to be happy! I'm sorry for all this..."
"No Richie. There is nothing to apologize."
"If you want, I can stay away from her..."
"No. Please, don't! I'm just getting used to you hugging my girlfriend, ok? But I know you will never hurt me! Everything must be like this, I want you both to be friends.  I mean it!"
"Okay. Come here bunso. I love you!"
"I love you too, Richie!"

The siblings hugged tight and then Becky invited her brother to go downstairs.

"Okay. But can you do me a favor?"
"Sure.  What is it?"
"Just try to be more silent the next time you make sex..."

The light brown-eyed girl widened her eyes.

"D-did y-you..."
"Hahahaha, got you! I didn't hear anything.  I just presume that you were having sex because of your delay... hahahahah,  so,  I decided to tease you."
"Richard Armstrong Jr, you're unbearable!!! Just, please, don't say that to Freen,  she would die with shame. It took me a lot of persuasion power to convince her to make love to me."
"Okay.  I promise I won't say anything. Let's go downstairs?"
"Yes. Let's go!" Rebecca replied smiling huge.

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