Chapter 14 - The news

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"Let's go my love, because I can't wait for this either."

As soon as they arrived at the light brown-eyed girl's house she was already calling her mom.

"Mom, are you at home?" The younger actress yelled whole entering the house.

Rawee came quickly into the room and found her daughter holding Freen's hand. The older woman smiled naughtly when she say them holding hands.

"Hi my daughter. Is everything okay? Is there some problem?" The woman asked realy concerned.
"Everything is perfect mom! Why would there be any problem?"
"Oh, okay.  It's just you said you'd go to Freen's place today and now you girls are here... I was afraid something might have happened to you girls. But you're fine, right?" The woman asked worriedly.
"Of course we are, mom. Don't worry, we're more than fine!" Becky said smiling from ear to ear looking straight at Sarocha, who agreed smiling too. We just came to have dinner with you guys. Is it all right?"
"Oh, what a joy! Sure, princess!"
"Mrs Armstrong,  I'm sorry for coming without warning, I told Becky..."

Rawee cut the thai girl, who was a little embarassed for coming without being invited, saying:

"Freen, my sweet girl, no appologies needed. I'm really happy for having my girls here with us for dinner! I was just worried something could have happened. But now everythingis allright. I know you're okay. " The woman said softly.

The older actress let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and smiled awkwardly.

"I told her it wouldn't be a problem, mom, but Freen was embarassed..."
"Oh my dear, stop being silly! You don't need an invitation or prior notice here Freen. You're always welcome. Anytime!" Mrs Armstrong said honestly.
"Thank you so much, Mrs Armstrong. " The hazel-eyed girl said politely, revering her girlfriend's mom.

Mrs Armstrong winked and smiled at the older actress affectionatedly.

"Where is dad?" Rebecca asked excitedly.
"He's taking a shower, princess, but  he will be here soon." The older Armstrong replied softly.
"Ok. And Richie? Has he already arrived?"
"Yes. He is in his bedroom... why are you asking for everyone, BecBec?"

The younger actress didn't reply, shebjust smiled.

At that moment the guy arrived hugging his sister from behind and spinning her in the air.

Their giggles could be heard in a distance, and that warmed Sarocha's heart, who dmiled in love.

"Hi BecBec. I missed you. Little girl!"
"I missed you too, hig brother."
"Hey, what face is this?" The brunette guy asked intrigued.
"What face?" Rebecca tried to disguise, but failing miserabily.

All Freen could do was to smile like a fool in love with that wonderful girl, which by the way, finally was her girlfriend.

"I know you, little sis! And you are... different.  In a good way, but different. "

Rebecca didn't want to say anything without her dad, her greatest supporter, so she just smiled and said:

"Your impression. Hahahaha."

"Mhm... of course it is..." The guy said ironic

A few minutes later, Mr Armstrong  came down.

"BecBec. Freen."
"Hi dad 🥰."
"Hi Mr Armstrong. "
"Why so formal, Freen? Hahahahaha."
"Sorry, I..."
"Don't worry dear. You can call me whatever you want. But you girls... you look ... what can I say... how to describe... different..." Richie senior also said .
"Yes!!!! I told you, little sis!" Richie Jr said thrilled to hear that his father had also noticed a difference in the girls.
"God, you're impossible guys! Hahahahaha." Rebecca said amused.
"Oh, so you admit there is something..." mom Armstrong said giggling.

Everybody giggled too.

Becky looked at Freen smilling. She approached her and silently comunicated with her gaze, as it was normal between them, thanks to an absurd chemistry existing between the both girls.

Freen smiled nervously back at her girlfriend, who still had her eyes reassuring her. It was a whole conversation with their gazes, and that was so beautiful  to see and obviously it didn't go unnoticed by the others in the living room.

"Mom, dad, Richie, we have something to tell you..."
"Ok, princess, keep going." Becky's dad encouraged his daughter already having a clue of what was about to be said.

Becky got closer to her girlfriend, held both of her hands and asked:


Freen just nodded smiling.

"Ok." Becky mouthed.

"Guys, finally I understood my feelings and... well, I followed my heart, like you tought me, dad. So, Freen and I talked and... we're dating!" The thai/british girl said hopelessly in love.
"Oh my Gosh, finally!" Rawee stated. "Come here my daughters." And hugged the couple really tight.

Then it was Mr Armstrong's turn:

"That's my princess! I'm really proud of you, BecBec!" The old man also hugged his daughter and her girlfriend. "I'm glad you understood that no one can be happy existing only in half, baby, and to live in fear is to live in half! I'm glad you ran after your happiness!"
"Well, actually it was Freen who asked me to be her girlfriend..."
"But you were the one who started it all, BB!" Sarocha made a point to say, hugging Becky's waist.
"Well, it doesn't matter who did what. The only thing that matters is that you're happy together now! Let's celebrate!" Richie senior stated.
"Hey, now it's my turn." Richie said.

Everybody laughed.

"Congratulations, little sister. I'm so fucking proud of you, baby!"
"Thank you, big brother! It really means a lot to me, sweetie!"

Richie didn't say a word, he just winked towards his sister and then he stated:

"Let me hug the most beautiful and charming sister-in-law." Going after Freen to hug her.

But that made the light brown-eyed girl have an unexpected reaction:

"What's up, Richie? Now you want to hit on my girlfriend too? I know she's beautiful,  but she's not for you! She is MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Only MINE! You understand? Rebecca said yelling at her brother, who had gotten speechless and froze. Then the thai/british girl left sulking towards her bedroom, leaving everyone behind in surprise.

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