Chapter 29 - Preparing A Surprise

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"And pecking her girlfriend's lips, Freen left Becky with her mom and went to get the food."

While the thai girl went to get the food, Becky asked her mom:

"Mom, I need you to do me a favor."
"Of course, princess. What is it?"
"I need you to find out what size Freen's ring is."
"Why don't you ask her, BecBec?"
"Because it's a surprise."
"Okay... but why am I feeling you a little hesitant?"
"Because I'm afraid of scaring her, mom."
"Why would you scare her, daughter?"
"Because I want to give her a promise ring. I know you'll say it's still too early, maybe it is. I don't care. But I'm completely sure about what I feel, mom. I want her to be mine, only mine forever!"

Rawee smiled happily.

"Becky, listen to me. I would never say it is too early!"
"Absolutely not! First, this has nothing to do with time (how long you're dating etc). This is all about love. And everyone can see how much you love each other. So, let's do this. I will help you, baby."
"Thanks mom." The thai/british girl said grateful.

Becky started to yawn and had a lot of difficulty to keep her eyes opened. It was the effect of the medication she had taken in the hospital.

"Love, come here. Let's eat a little bit, baby." Freen arrived and said after seeing her girlfriend almost falling asleep.
"No, baby. I'm sleepy." The thai/british girl said slyly.
"But princess, you need to eat. You just had breakfast, baby, and you're taking a lot of medicines. Soon your stomach will start to hurt if you don't eat anything."

Becky's mom left the room, asking Freen to go downstairs to eat after Becky fall asleep. Sarocha just winked in response.

"Come on, my love. Sit down."
"Baby, I want to sleep. I can eat later..."
"Okay, let's make a deal. For every bite you eat, I will take off a piece of clothing. When there is nothing left to take off, you will be able to touch me or kiss me on some part of my body. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Rebecca even woke up. And smiling she said:

"Perfect! I'm all in!"

Freen couldn't help but giggle satisfied.

"I love you! You know that, ms Armstrong?"
"I love you too, mrs Chankimha."
And as promissed, every bite the younger girl ate, meant one less piece of clothe on Freen's body.

"I'm missing you!"

That was their thing. Their secret code to say they were horny, was to say they missed each other.

Freen smirked and said:

"Me too, my love! But first you need to eat..."
"But I will be eating. " Becky tried to convince her girlfriend.
"Eat real food. The kind that feeds hahahaha."
"But your juice can feed me, love."
"BB... hahaha."
"What? Please, baby, I need you!"
"I need you too, bae (baby), but I need you to be fine, not in more pain. Look, you will get me completely undressed, and completely wet for you in a few bites. Come on BB, just a few more bites, sweetheart. I promise that as soon as you eat the last one, I will make love to you."

That was an encouragement to the light brown-eyed girl. Becky hurried to finish quickly and as soon as she put the last bite in her mouth, Freen hurried and dove into Becky's intimacy, sucking the thai/british girl's clit with so much love and desire.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh baby...."
"Jesus, BecBec, you're so wet for me!"
"I told you teerak. (Darling). I'm missing you so fucking much!"
"Me too, princess."

Freen's tongue was relentless, and it didn't take long for Becky to cum in her girlfriend's mouth.

"Oh my God, that was delicious!" Becky stated out of breath.
"Yes. YOU are delicious!" Freen replied in love.
"Now, it's my turn, because I can't bare this fucking tension anymore! I need to feel you. Teerak. You're such a tease!" Becky said yawning.
"If you prefere to take a nap first, love..."
"No! Absolutely not! I have my gorgeous girlfriend naked for me, I am so fucking horny, I won't waste time sleeping. Come for me, my love."

And the dark brown-eyed girl didn't waste time as well. She begun to undress her girlfriend.

"Good. Now everything is perfect, my faen (girlfriend) was too dressed for my will." Freen said smirking.
"Oh, was I?"

Sarocha just nodded.

"All I did was toctake your shorts off. I want to see this nature's perfection." The thai girl said it pointing to Becky's boobs.
"Come here, my love."

Becky started kissing Freen's mouth. It was a savoured kiss. While their tongues fought for dominance, Rebecca caressed Sarocha's hot body with her fingertips. The thai girl was delighting in Becky's arms.

"Oh, BB, you're so amazing!" Sarocha said among the kiss.

Becky smiled and then she broke the kiss to leave a trail of wet kisses along Freen's jawline, going to her neck, ear lobe - where she inhaled her girlfriend's perfume and whispered: so hot!!!!" Driving sarocha crazy. And before starting kissing her again, Rebecca nibbled her girlfriend's ear love.

"Aaawwww BB, you're driving me crazy..."
"That's the plan, love!"

And the thai/british girl started to run her hand down Freen's boobs, making the almond-eyed girl moan and ask for more, when suddenly, Freen stopped and looked at her girlfriend with a scared face.

"What's up, baby? Did I hurt you?"
"No, honey. I - I forgot to l-lock the door..."
"Hahahahha, that's the reason why you stopped, baby?"
"Yes princess. What if your mom gets in here?"
"Well, she has never entered my room without knocking, angel. I don't believe that she would start it right now. She knows her daughter is already an adult and that I am so helplessly in love. Besides, she knows that we're dating, wich makes sex almost obvious between us, don't you think?"
"Baky, my love..."
"No teerak (darling). I won't stop untill you come for me. Stop resisting me, baby."

And the nong started to kiss her girlfriend with love.

"Surrender to me, my love." Becky asked between wet kisses.
"Oh my God, baby!" Freen said moaning.
"Freen, my love, each touch we share connects our souls, as if our hands were keys to the chambers of each other's hearts."
"Mmm BecBec, my love, I'm all yours, teerak! (Darling)
"All mine!" The younger girl whispered in love.
"Make me yours, bae (baby). Even more yours, my love!" Sarocha asked out of breath.

The light brown-eyed girl smirked and started kissing her girlfriend all over while she rubbed her clit, driving Freen crazy.

"Oh my god Becky... I'm almost there, baby!"
"Oh, you really are!"
"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh, you're so good at this, teerak!" (Darling.)

Then Becky looked deep into her girlfriend's eyes while she slipped her hand, entering Freen's intimacy with 2 fingers and continuing to massage her lover's clit with her thumb. Sarocha no longer had control over her body. She was completely surrended to the love and pleasure that Rebecca always gave her.

"Oh Becky. Keep going, honey! Fuck me, BB!" Freen pleaded.
"Come for me, my love. I need to feel you squeezing my fingers, writhing with pleasure for me, my love. And then I want to feel your delicious taste, my princess."

Becky continued at the pace that she knew it was driving her girlfriend crazy, and when she started kissing, licking and nibbling on Freen's beck and ear, the almond-eyed girl couldn't hold back any longer and came so hard on her girlfriend's fingers, squeezing her and screaming Rebecca's name.

Freen spent a few minutes with her eyes closed, snuggled against becky's chest. The youger actress caressed her faen's back in a comfortable silence. Both women communicating in their favorite way, through touch, affection. Just enjoing this moment of extreme pleasure.

When they finally managed to catch their breath, Freen opened her eyes and noticed that becky was struggling to stay awake.

"My love, take some sleep, angel"
"No, I want to be with you, baby."
"Princess, you've been fighting sleeping for a long time. You took strong medication. Sleep, baby. I'll stay here with you, my little piece of heaven."

Becky couldn't answer anything. She just smiled and mouthed "I love you" which Freen could barely understand. Then Sarocha gotvup carefully, got dressed, dressed her girlfriend and lay down again with Becky staring at her. And before she fell asleep, she still managed to say:

"I love you my angel!"

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