Chapter 27 - The injury

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"Excuse me."

"Doctor Shanti!" Freen said a little aprehensive.
"Well girls, I'm gonna wait for you out there." Said inspector Cheng.
"Thank you so much, inspector Cheng." The girls said at the same time.

When the police officer got out, Becky's parents got in, so doctor Shanti said:

"Becky, you didn't brake your foot, but you injured the ligament, that's why you are in so much pain..."
"How bad is it, doctor?" Richie senior asked.
"Actually, I don't know yet, because the X-Ray only shows the bones, not soft structures such as ligaments."
"But then, how will we know?" Freen asked worriedly.
"Don't worry. The first conduct is to ease the pain, because ligament injuries are very painful. So, I have already prescribed some painkillers, which will alleviate the pain, along with corticosteroids and anti-inflamatory drugs, in addition to inmobilization. Beck is going to have some injections here, which will make her really drowsy. Don't be scared, it's pretty normal. Then we'll immobilize her foot and she will be ready to go home. In one week, she will return and we will do an MRI to find out the extent and the severity of the injury and then draw up a treatment plan."

Upon hearing this, Freen placed her hand over her heart while with the other, she caressed her girlfriend.

"Okay." That was all Rebecca said.

Doctor Shanti excused himself and left. Becky's mom went after him to know more about her daughter's case. The doctor reassured Rawee and after resolving all doubts, he said goodbye and left.

A few minutes later, a nurse came into Becky's room to medicate the actress and put the robofoot on. Freen bever let go of her girlfriend,  not even a second.

When Becky was finaly settled, they called inspector Cheng again and he didn't waste time and took the thai/british girl's statement.  As soon as they finished, Becky could barelly keep her eyes open.

Then Sarocha said:

"You can take some sleep my love. I'll be right gere, by your side BB."

Becky just nodded and fell fast asleep. So it was Freen's turn to give her statement.  The almond-eyed girl made a point to keep by Rebecca's side. When they finally finished, inspector Cheng said:

"Thank you so much. We have enough to keep that motherfucker in jail!"
"Thank you, inspector. "
"Oh, I forgot... here it is Becky's cell phone, can you give it back to her, please?"
"Oh, how quick!" Freen was surprised.
"It's a matter of security. I've got everything I needed, so, to make sure your privacy won't be invaded, I'm giving it back to her " inspector Cheng explained.
"Thank you so much, inspector. For everything." Freen said honestly.
"There is nothing to thank me for, Freen. "
"Mmmm, inspector Cheng..."  Becky's father called the police officer.
"Can I ask you a favor?"
"I'd like to talk to this guy..."
"Me too!" Richie added.
"And so would I!" Freen stated really decided.
"What? You? No. Are you crazy?" Richie said really concerned.
"This guy, Freen... look at what he has done..." The guy said worried.
"That's exactly why I want 5 minutes with him! Please." The thai girl asked.
"But don't you want to stay with Becky?" Richie senior asked trying to convince the thai girl to change her mind.
"We all know that Becky won't wake up very soon..."
"Only under one condition, Freen."
"Tell me."
"You won't be alone with him and if he shows any kind of threatening,  you will get out. "
"Allright.  Then we can go."
"Can you give me 5 minutes, please?" Sarocha asked softly.
"Of course."
"I'm just going to talk to Becky."
"Okay,  okay." Richie senior said smiling.
"My love, I know you're in so much pain, and I really hope this painkillers manage to make things easier for you. Look, I don't know if you can hear me, but I want you to know that I love you so much, BB! I'll have to go to Idol Factory, to explain what is happening,  but I promise, my love, I'll be right back. Your mom is here with you. But don't worry, princess, I'll be back before you wake up. I love you so much."
"Freen, sweetie, you know she's fast asleep, don't you?" Asked Rawee softly.
"Yes, mom."
"So, she can't listen to you, why talking to her?"
"Because sometimes you can't explain what you see in a person. It's just the way they take you to a place where no one else can, mom. She owns my heart, like the moon owns the ocean tides. I will forever be pulled to her."
"I understand. Thank you my dear and beloved Freen. "
"For what, mom?"
"For loving and charishing my daughter the way you do!"

Freen hugged Mrs Armstrong and said:

"She's not just my girl, she's my home, my rest, my heart and my safe place. I love Becky more than my limits! I will be right back. Take care of her for me, mom."
"I will!" Rawee said with teary eyes. "And you, promise me you will take care of yourself."
"I will, mom."

And then they left. Freen said she'd take an Uber after going to the police station because she had to go to Idol Factory, to tell them the news.. but the Armstrong family and inspector Cheng  made a point to take the actress there. They went first to the studios.

Freen told everything to Nattapong and he gave them the whole week and told Sarocha to reassure Rebecca that they'd manage to make it all happen. After that, freen came back and they headed to the police station.

When they arrived, Freen asked to speak to Billy without him seeing the others. The investigator Cheng had an idea: took the guy to the interrogation room, but warned the thai girl that they would be seeing through the glass and that if anything happened, they would enter the room. Before entering, she called Rawee to find out how was her girlfriend doing. Mrs Armstrong said Becky was still sleeping, what made freen calmer. So, the almond-eyed girl entered the room.

As soon as she saw Billy,  her blood boiled. She felt a contempt for that guy, who she once called a friend, that made her feel nauseous.

"Hi my princess, I miss you so much!" Billy said happily.
"Fuck you, Billy! Don't you dare to call me your princess, you piece of garbage!"
"Hey, calm down, baby..."
"I'm notmyour baby!" Sarocha yelled.
"Look, Freen, I know I scared you, and I'm sorry for this. I was drunk and..."
"You didn't scare me."
"So why are you that angry? Come here, baby, give me a kiss..."
"This is insane! Are you out of your mind, Billy?" Sarocha screamed at the guy completelly annoyed.
"Didn't you come here for me?"
"Yes. But not the way you're presuming, you piece of shit!"
"So why are you here then?"
"Look, I'm here to give you something..."
"DOh, I knew it! You're just playing hard, huh?"
"Playing hard? Hahahahaha. Of course not. Not even close, stupid!"
"Kitten, I miss you!"
"Billy, you're someone I don't want to have around me! Never!"
"Freen, I love you! I know that bitch won't let go of you, and that's why you haven't given yourself to me yet, love. But look, it's just the two of us now around here. Let me show you how perfect in bed I am and make you cum like no one else has ever done before..." The guy said trying to get closer.
"Shut your filthy mouth, you son of a bitch! Don't you ever dare to talk about Becky again, you crap!"
"Billy, let me tell you something, you coward: you're a piece of shit! And I hate you! Even if you were the last human being inhabiting Planet Earth, I would never stay with you! You disguss me!" The older actress was screaming, really pissed off.
"But Freen..."
"I came here precisely to tell you never to come close to me nor Becky again! A coward guy like you, who attacks a woman taking advantage of her distraction, and tries to rape the other, is only worthy of contempt! I don't want to hear your voice anymore or having the displeasure of having to look in your face again, you piece of shit!"
"Are you trying to..."
"I'm not trying, I'm telling! Beware from me and from Becky!!!" Sarocha was out of control. She was yelling from the top of her lungs.
"I don't believe Freen! Are you serious? Do you prefer that spoiled girl who is practically a child, to me?"
"That girl is much more decent and dignity than you!" The dark brown-eyed girl spit on Billy's face. "And don't forget that she spanked you. She alone beat you so much that avoided you to rape me. She was so smart that she put you in jail! You should be ashemed! Not only because you were spanked by a woman, who by the way, is letting you down till now, but for acting as you did!"
"Wow! You fell for her!" The guy said.
"This is not your busines! I'm warning you, stay..."
"Are you threatening me, Sarocha?" The guy said in a presumptuous way.

Freen smiled sarcastically and stated:

"Absolutely not.  I'm just warning you. And by the way, this is what I brought to you..."

Sarocha got up smiling and approached Billy, who thought he would be kissed by her. But instead, the almond-eyed girl kneed him in the balls and left him writhing in pain while freen said:

"Fuck you, you son of a bitch! And she left without even looking behind.

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