Chapter 6 - Clingy

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"Now that we've eaten, I want to enjoy your lap a little more, princess, until we have to shoot."

Freen was completely attached to Becky and the thai/british girl was loving her behavior. Butterflies fluttered in the stomachs of both actresses, who at the moment were more concerned with feeling each other's presence and warmth and smell than thinking about how they'd declare themselves.

"Mmm, someone is so clingy today... 🥰" Rebecca stated melting while stroking Sarocha's hair.
"Do you want me to back off, little one?" Freen asked startled.
"Of course not! Don't you dare to do that! I love this, baby!"

Freen couldn't help a huge smile.

"Do you?"
"Can't you see it? Can't you see how happy I am, baby?"
"Actually I can... 🥰😊"
"I need a mumu!" Becky asked already pulling Freen's face.
"You do? You can have all the mumus you want, princess!" The older girl stated already pecking Rebecca's lips and feeling her heart accelerate.
"Are you sure?" The caucasian girl asked seductive.
"Mhm. Kha!"
"So, I want a lot of mumus right now!"

And they stayed a few minutes pecking each other's lips.

💭 This reminds me of Sam... who kept finding subterfuges to kiss Mon... Becky thought.

Freen was suddenly lost looking at Becky's lips. Suddenly they looked into each other's eyes, as if asking permission for what they were dying to do, but soon their gazes focused again on each other's lips. Slowly they got closer, breathing quickened, hearts skipping beats. The butterflies were already turning their stomachs. Their gazes locked into each other's eyes and when their lips were very close to touching, they heard knockings on Freen's trailer door.

Both girls closed their eyes and sighed havily, regretting the interruption. It was the perfect moment, which they both desired with all their strenght, and now it was ruined...

"Shit!" Freen exclaimed.

Rebecca giggled nervous and frustrated.

"Go open it, baby." The caucasian girl said a little disapointed.
"Nooooo. I want to stay with you, angel!" The older girl stated slyly and snuggled even closer to Becky.

Once again, new knockings and this time they heard:

"Ms Chanquimha..."

Both girls recognized that voice... it was Saint, the series producer.

"You'd better answer the door..." Becky said.
"Only if you come embraced to me..."
"Are you crazy? Hahahaha. How do you intent to walk like that?" Rebecca said amused.
"Like this: get up." So Freen put herself in front of Becky, put the nong's arms around her waist and walked to the door. When the thai girl opened the door, Rebecca released the hug, but stayed by her side.

Freen felt the lack of contact, but understood the reasons.

"Hi Saint. Sorry for the delay, we were rehearsing."
"No problem girls. I'm just here to let you know that you guys need to be in hair and make up room in 15 minutes, okay?"
"Okay, thanks a lot."
"See you later girls."
"See you."

Freen closed the door and Becky immediately hugged her from behind again. And kissing her neck, the youngest girl said:

"I can't believe we have less than 15 minutes..."
"Me neither, princess. I need more time with you!"
"Come with me to my house today. I can't stay away from you."
"But what about your parents, little one? I don't want to bother."
"You never bother! They simply love you, just like me. Come on, princess, please. " Rebecca pouted, knowing exactly the power she has over Freen.
"Okay. I can never say no to you. 🥰 But there is one condition:"
"That tomorrow you will come with me to my place." Sarocha took her chances.
"Really?" Freen could barely contain her happiness.
"Really, baby." Becky whispered seductively in Freen's ear, causing shivers all over her body.

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