Chapter 4 - Time to say the truth

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"Same to you!"

Nam went straight after Becky on her trailer, and she had already everything in mind.

When she got there, Nam knocked on the door and heard a loud music. Then she stared at Rebecca, who came to open the door with her eyes swollen from crying so much.

"Hey..." The older actress said already hugging her friend who then started to sob. "Shhh... it's okay Becbec, Nam is here." Nam said leading them inside and closing the door still hugging her friend tightly.

Nam was patient. While letting Becky get all her pain out, she remained strocking her friend's back. After some time, the younger one calmed down. So Nam asked:

"Are you felling better?"

Rebecca just nodded.

"Okay. I won't ask you what happened because I already know it."
"You do?"
"Yes. Freen has already told me. And she said this is all her fault..."

Becky was surprised.

"By the way nong... have you drank water?"
"Freen sent you here? Did she tell you to ask me that?"
"Well, first answer: did Freen send me here? No! She doesn't even know I'm here. Second answer: did she tell me to ask you about drinking water? Yes, but I want to know that too! You know you need to drink it, Becbec."

Rebecca looked confused...

"I-I don't understand...."
"Look Becky, I swear I'll explain everything to you, but before anything else, tell me, did you drink water?"

The younger actress just lowered her head. There was no need to say more. So Nam opened her purse and took out Becky's bottle, handed it to her and said:

"Drink it. Now!"

Becky tried to deny it, but Nam cut it off by saying:

"Don't even think about refusing to drink it! You know you need to drink water. Also if Freen finds out I let you not drink this, (pointing to the bottle) she'll rip my liver out with her own fingernails (The ones she barely has anymore. And Yes, your bottle was with her and she gave it to me to give it to you.) So let's get over with this, drink this water and let's go. We'll talk while having lunch."
"But I'm not hungry. You should make Freen eat. If I know her well, she hasn't eaten anything yet and won't even want to eat. Don't worry about me, I..."
"Fuck... you both are unbearably alike! You will eat, nong. This is non-negotiable. So will Freen. That's why we're heading to your favorite restaurant. Now drink this water at once and let's go, we still need to go back in time for Freen to be able to eat and we can go back to shootings. And in the meantime, we're going to solve this issue of you both at once." Nam crossed her arms waiting for Rebecca to drink the water so they could go out for lunch. The older friend was determined to be her friend's cupid.

The thai british girl had no choice but to do as she was told, after all, she wouldn't let Freen without eating. So, both of them left towards the restaurant.

"Nam, can you please explain what is going on here?"
"Sure. When we get in the car, okay?"
"Okay. "

As soon as they got into the car, Nam started talking:

"Okay, like I promised you, let's have a conversation... everybody noticed you and Freen fought. I guess this is no surprise to you, right?"
"Good. Well, earlier today, I ran into Freen and when I asked her how was she, she burst into tears. She cried compulsively, she couldn't control herself. She was on the verge of a panic attack, she could barely tell me what had happened..."

Becky immediately burst into tears upon hearing this... and said:

"I don't want her to suffer!"
"I know you don't, baby Becky. And believe me, she doesn't want you to suffer as well."

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