helping him fix his gap

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at the age of 16 donnie had decided to fill in his gap, granted yes you did not care at all how he looked but he tried the best to his ability not to be insecure but unfortunately it did get to him so he decided to fill it in. now he didn't completely get rid of it he only created a paste for it and replaces it every 6 months. it was that time to refill but ofc he always ask you to help cuz you know exactly how to shape it into exactly like his other teeth.

"ok don, open for me" you grabbed his chin and held it
"it's the other way around (y/n)"
"i- ok..." you laughed
"babe before you start fixing my glorious tooth please please PLEASE be careful
"i know what i'm doing, now just relax"

you then begin the process of fixing his gap. you use a floss string to create the the lines for for tooth, smooth out the surface, making sure it's the exact color like the other teeth then finally perfected the fill in

"ok donnie, you may now look"

he gets up close to the mirror and examines in

"so far so good" he says
"talk and see if it whistles"
"doesn't seem to"
"now tongue test"
"you wanna make out now?, why darling you come on to me too strong" he smirks
"i ment you feel it with yours genius" you laughed

he feels around and sees that it's good

"well, feels good enough to me" he says
"now don't forget to drink only liquids and soups only"
"but what if-"
"and don't say what if there is pizza, there is always pizza, i made you some (soup of choice), this is only till tomorrow, then your good to eat pizza"
"nice plan of yours, someone is gonna make a good wife one day"

you stopped and blushed for a moment

"you said what?"
"nothing i said nothing"
"o..kkkay" you tried to not make it a big deal
"thanks for the gap fixes and the soup" he kisses you on the cheek and you both head out

donatello's mind

"i really hope she bought that, but she will soon be my wife"

he smiled the way down to the kitchen

your mind

"i wonder why he said that?, i hope he means it tho" you smiled as well

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