When you see him nervous

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*at your apartment*
[Research:Birthday planing:Target:(Y/N)]
{Donnie's Mind} ok now just Finnish
*door opens*
"EEEKKK! *shuts off computer* jeez (Y/N) don't startled me like that"
"Hi to you too Don *giggles*"
"Excuse me ehem,Hi my sweet how was your day?"
"Good,just you know soon getting old tomorrow"
"I don't know what you mean by that (which he did)"
"Well um,are you hungry?"
"Oh indeed"
"Hehe why the fancy talk?"
"Oh um nothing"
You noticed he was shaking
"Ok Donatello what's going on?"
{Donnie's Mind}Abort saying about her birthday,Abort saying about her birthday.
"Fine you caught me..."
"I secretly made you dinner so you would have to..."
"Aww you did?"
"*smooch* how sweet of you"
"Well I am the fancy man in this relationship aren't I?"
"Yes and your also the one who feeds me"
"Feed me,I'm starving"
"*babies voice* Here comes the plane"
"Don't do that..."
"Only playing around honey"

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