Dragon's fears

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Time goes by quickly when you least want it to. Tiny little Baelor was not so tiny anymore; the little boy of one and a half had now learned to talk, wobble on his feet, and even feed himself. His once cherubic face had transformed into that of a mischievous toddler, constantly exploring and getting into everything he could find. But most of the time, he was a good boy. He had a contagious laugh that could brighten up anyone's day, and his innocent curiosity brought joy to those around him.

"Baelor, what do you have there?" Daemon asked suspiciously as the little boy seemed to hide something behind his back.

"No-oo..." the boy grinned mischievously. (Nothing)

"Baelor. You do not want me to tell your mother, do you?" Daemon's stern tone made Baelor's mischievous grin fade slightly, but his curiosity got the better of him. Reluctantly, he revealed the small frog he had caught in the garden, hoping his father wouldn't be too upset.

"Fligy!" he exclaimed. Daemon's stern expression softened as he looked at the small frog in Baelor's hands. He couldn't help but smile, realising that his son's mischievousness had led to a harmless discovery in the garden. (Froggy)

"Baelor. Let go of the frog," he said calmly.

"Nah ah!" Baelor replied defiantly, clutching the frog tightly. He was determined to keep his newfound friend and show it off to his dragon eggs later. "Libbit! Libbit!" he tried to imitate the frog. (Ribbit! Ribbit!)

Daemon chuckled at Baelor's attempt to communicate with the frog, finding his son's enthusiasm endearing. However, he knew that the frog must go. Besides, the sight of the slimy animal in his son's hands disturbed him. "Baelor, you cannot keep it."

"Aaaah!" Baelor exclaimed, frustrated. He looked up at his father with pleading eyes, desperately wanting to convince him otherwise. "Fligy! Meh fligy!" (Froggy! My froggy!)

Daemon sighed, understanding his son's attachment to the frog. He gently explained, "I know you want to keep it as a pet, but frogs belong in their natural habitat. It's important for them to live freely in the wild."

The little boy pounded.

"Let it go, Baelor."

While shedding a tear, he let go of his new friend, and the frog took a run for it, jumping off in an instant. Baelor watched the frog disappear into the distance; a few more tears escaped his eyes. Daemon fluffed his hair. "I am proud of you, boy." He then kneeled down beside him. "You are a Targaryen, Baelor. You have the blood of old Valyria in your veins. Frogs are not for you. Dragons are."

Baelor looked up at his father and sobbed. He didn't understand anything Daemon told him. "Kepa..." he said sadly. (father)

"Sh sh." Daemon kissed his head and wiped away his tears. "You will be fine."

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