News and prayers

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Dragonstone was their real home, they decided. It was where they truly belonged, amidst the ancient stone walls and the whispers of the sea breeze. King's Landing was not the place for the growing family, constantly being pulled into the political chaos and power struggles of the realm.

After the wedding, Daemon soon got another position in Viserys' court. He was named Commander of the City Watch. Finally, Daemon had a place in court he got to maintain for more than a week. Surprisingly, he did a good job and earned them the name Gold Cloaks—he instituted their uniform use of equipment, including the golden cloaks from which they got their name. The weapons he issued were a dirk, a short sword, and a cudgel. The Gold Cloaks were no small charade—here were two thousand men at the time Daemon was their Commander.

Yet upon asking for a postion for herself, Daenerys was denied again, angering Daemon further. So, after a year or so, they decided to depart for Dragonstone, making it their home once more.

Seven years passed since then, the children grew, and so did the dragons. Viky was now big enough to saddle three and had almost reached the height of Caraxes, although her tail was much longer. Gaelrus and Vaergahl, too, grew. Baelor and Visenya could now mount them and take them into the skies. In the year 106 A.C., Viky laid another three eggs, which were given to the younger children. Alyssa, Maekar, and Rhaegon were beyond happy to be gifted the eggs, but only Maekar's hatched, revealing a small dragon with vibrant red scales. He named it Morvar. The other two eggs remained dormant.

The family spent most of their days in the dragon pit. They would watch in awe as the dragons soared through the air, their wings beating with powerful grace. The younger children were mesmerised by the sight, dreaming of the day when they too would be able to ride their own dragons.

Of course, Daemon and Daenerys could let them be left out, often taking them on short flights around the castle grounds on their own dragons.

"Kepa, look at this!" called Visenya, flying Vaergahl over Daemon's head. "Dracarys!" she called out, and a burst of fire erupted from Vaergahl's mouth, lighting up the sky with its brilliant flames.

Daemon let out a laugh, proud of his daughter.

The duo was just returning to the pit after a short flight. After landing, Visenya dismounted Vaergahl and ran over to Baelor, who was already waiting for them, arms crossed and leaning to a stone. "Did you see that, Baelor? Vaergahl's fire was so powerful!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

The boy only chuckled. "It was nothing compared to Gaelrus."

Visenya scoffed. "Of course it was. Kepa, tell him!" (Father)

Daemon grinned, knowing his children's competitive nature. "Come now, we don't have time for this. You don't want your mother to behead me for playing favourites, do you?" he teased. Both Visenya and Baelor exchanged a mischievous glance before bursting into laughter. "Come on, we should head back. The sun is setting, and it's getting late."

Upon returning to the castle, the trio was greeted by the warm glow of torches lining the halls. The sound of laughter and conversation filled the air as they made their way to the dining hall for a well-deserved meal.

"Well, here you are!" exclaimed Daenerys. "We thought you got lost."

Daemon chuckled and went to kiss her cheek, then helped her sit before taking a seat himself. As they settled in, the aroma of roasted meats and freshly baked bread wafted through the air, making their mouths water.

"Now, before we begin," started Daenerys, but Daemon interrupted her.

"You better not suggest a prayer."

"Why not?" Alyssa chimed in, her big violet eyes blinking with innocence. If one looked at her for too long, they'd begin to assume there is no thought processed behind those eyes. "My Septa says that saying a prayer before a meal is a sign of gratitude and respect."

Daemon rolled his eyes, clearly not convinced. "Well, you can tell your Septa that the next time she tries to force her beliefs on my children, I'll be sure to give her a tour of the dragon pit." Daemon smirked and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

Alyssa gasped, visibly taken aback by Daemon's threatening remark. She hesitated before softly responding, "I just thought it was a nice thing to do... to show appreciation for what we have." Her voice trailed off, uncertainty evident in her tone.

"Prayers won't fill our bellies, Alyssa. We need food, not empty words," said Visenya, immediately taking her father's side. Alyssa's eyes welled up with tears as she looked between Daemon and Visenya.

Seeing this, Daenerys sent her husband a warning glance. Daemon's expression softened slightly as he noticed Alyssa's tears. He realised the impact his words had on her and regretted his harshness.

"Now, if I am allowed to speak again," said Daenerys. "I was trying to say, a raven came from King's Landing."

Baelor's eyes immediately lit up. If there was a letter from the capital, then it must have definitely contained some news about Rhaenyra.

"Wha did ih saild?" asked Maekar, his mouth full of food. (What did it say?)

Alyssa kicked him under the table, unimpressed with his lack of manners.

"King Viserys is hosting a tournament for his new heir," Daenerys spoke carefully, eyeing Daemon's reaction. As predicted, Daemon choked on his wine, coughing violently.

"Say what now?"

"Aemma is pregnant again; this time, Viserys is certain he is to have a son," she added calmly.

"But that means father won't be the heir anymore!" called out Visenya.

"Visenya, don't believe this bullshit," scoffed Daemon. "The chances that the Queen gives birth to a healthy son are slim to none. Besides, even if she does, it doesn't guarantee that the child will survive infancy."

"Daemon!" exclaimed Daenerys. "This is not a way to speak. Aemma is my friend, our cousin and Viserys is our brother. You will not speak of their child like this." Her eyes gazed to her left, where Rhaegon sat.

The boy of seven was quiet, like he always was, aside from when he was screaming and crying. It hurt her to admit it, but her youngest son was special. He learned to talk at the age of five and a half, and even then a few words only, he could barely walk without stumbling, his knees would give in every time. But the gods did not entirely forsake him, for he was incredibly beautiful, with silver-gold hair that curled in perfect ringlets and violet eyes that shimmered like amethysts. His delicate features were reminiscent of a porcelain doll, captivating all who laid eyes upon him.

He must have felt his mother's eyes on him, for he swiftly turned to her with wide eyes. She quickly reached out to caress his cheek.

"Does that mean we are going to King's Landing?" asked Baelor excitedly.

"It seems so," sighed Daemon. Daemon's voice held a hint of weariness as if the thought of returning to the capital brought back painful memories. He glanced at his son, concern etched on his face, but quickly masked it with a forced smile.

"Yaaay!" called out Maekar excitedly, pumping his fist in the air and making everyone at the dining table laugh. 

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