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"Daenerys!" he called, his voice booming.

She was already by the dragons then. Little Baelor was half asleep and tightly bound onto her chest. She looked back at Daemon, her eyes filled with both sadness and determination. "I have made up my mind," she declared. "It is time for us to embrace our true destiny and reclaim what is rightfully ours," she said, before mounting Viky and getting ready to take off into the night sky.

"Are you mad?" Daemon exclaimed, his voice filled with concern. "You cannot possibly think this is the right path to take. It's too dangerous, for you, for Baelor, and for the baby!"

She looked down, wiping away her tear. "I told you, Daemon. I am done hiding."

"Dae, please."

"I am sorry, brother. I truly am. It is all my fault; I should have never asked you to marry me."

Daemon's face softened, and his eyes filled with regret. "No, don't say that." He shook his head and stepped forward. "I promised I would never leave you, Daenerys. I might be rogue, but my loyalty lies with you, sister."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Prove it."

Then she took off into the sky, one hand resting on her belly and her little boy tied to her chest.

Daemon watched as Daenerys soared through the clouds, fear was in his eyes. He knew he had to prove his loyalty not just to her but to their children as well. He looked over his shoulder at the grand palace of Pentos, filled with memories from the past year.

"Fuck it."





Silence. Silence was one way to describe it. Or was it fear? Peace maybe? No. It was not peace. It was a void. A void that seemed to consume everything around her.

"Muña?" Baelor's voice was quiet and unsure. Daenerys turned her gaze towards Baelor, her face etched with concern. She could sense his hesitation and uncertainty, mirroring her own inner turmoil. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before responding. (mother)

"Sh sh, I am here," she reassured. Baelor's eyes searched hers, searching for answers that she herself did not have. The weight of their situation pressed heavily on them both, but Daenerys knew she had to be strong for her son. She reached out and gently placed a hand on his little face, offering what little comfort she could in this moment of uncertainty. She smiled.

"Kepa?" (father)

"No, Baely. Kepa is not here." Baelor's face fell, disappointment evident in his eyes. Daenerys' heart ached for her son, knowing how much he longed for his father's presence. She caressed his head gently, hoping to provide some solace in the absence of his father. "He will come. I know it." (father)

For now, all she could do was fly west, it was not like she knew what she was doing. To be completely honest, she trusted Daemon fully. He had always been her confidant and adviser, and she believed in his ability to guide them through this uncertain time. As the wind whipped through her hair, Daenerys couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that he would appear.

Viky made a gentle rumble, and Daenerys patted her back. "Don't worry, girl, Caraxes and Daemon are coming for us and their children. I trust them completely." For the journey, Daenerys packed little, but all of the three eggs were a necessity.

Then finally, after what felt like an eternity, she saw a figure emerging from the horizon. Relief washed over her as she recognised the familiar silhouette of Daemon sitting on Caraxes, whose red wings glinted in the moonlight.

Viky roared upon seeing the familiar dragon. Without Daenerys's command, she flew to meet them in the sky. The princess sighed in relief as they came closer.

"Missed me?" Daemon called out with a playful smirk, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and genuine affection.

Daenerys couldn't help but smile. "You imbecile!" she called out.

"Auch," the prince said, pretending to be hurt. "But you know I missed you too," he replied, his smirk turning into a warm smile. Daenerys rolled her eyes, unable to hide her fondness for him. "How were you planning to get to the capital by yourself anyway?"

"I would fly west, it's not that hard."

"Pft!" Daemon scoffed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And you call me impulsive."

"Doesn't matter. You are here now," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine affection. "And I wouldn't have it any other way..." she mumbled.

"Aagahhhh!" exclaimed Baleor, reminding them he was still there. Baleor's sudden exclamation startled both Daenerys and Daemon, causing them to turn their attention towards him. Daenerys couldn't help but chuckle at the interruption, while Daemon grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying the unexpected moment.

Baelor giggled.

"We will be alright," decided Daenerys. "They are definitely not sending me to Dorne this time." She placed a hand on her swollen belly.

"No, not this time," agreed Daemon, eyeing her bump with a proud smile. 


[A/N]: Hello! I am terribly sorry for the late update, but we are going back to the original schedule, meaning the next update will be tomorrow and then again every other day.

So? Any thoughts on the chapter? Dany and Daemon are getting back to King's landing, drama ahead...

Thanks for reading! 

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