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Oh, King's Landing. Located on the eastern coast of the continent of Westeros, King's Landing serves as the capital of the Seven Kingdoms and is one of the major political and cultural centres of the realm. It is situated at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush, a river that flows into Blackwater Bay. The city is known for its grandeur, complexity, and often cutthroat political intrigue. The Red Keep is the central fortress and residence of the ruling monarchy. It overlooks the city from a hill and houses the Iron Throne, the symbol of the ruler's authority. It is home to the royal family and their court. It is home to Daemon and Daenerys, alongside their two children, though the young have never seen it—well, the youngest hasn't seen anything at all, for he or she was still in their mother's womb. Nevertheless, all of them were part of the royal family, and Red Keep was their rightful home.

And now they were there. Standing before the door of the throne room, the young couple shared a look. Daemon held Baelor by his left hip, and his right arm held the arm of his wife. So, Daenerys' left hand was in his, and her right was resting on her bump.

The mere sight of them was magnificent. Daemon in his usual rich red-black attire, and Daenerys in a long dress gifted to her in Pentos after delivering her first child. The dress hugged her figure elegantly, accentuating her growing belly.

Finally, the doors opened.

"Prince Daemon and Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen, and their firstborn son, Prince Baelor!" The crowd erupted into applause as the royal family entered the grand hall. Prince Daemon's confident stride matched his regal appearance, while Princess Daenerys glowed with maternal radiance. Prince Baelor held securely in Daemon's arms, looked around curiously at the sea of faces before him.

They walked through the hall hand in hand and quietly, finally stopping in front of the throne, where their grandfather, Jaeherys I., sat. The grand hall fell silent as the royal family approached the throne, their footsteps echoing against the marble floors.

Daemon knelt respectfully, and Daenerys, unable to do so herself due to her pregnancy, only bowed her head.

"Rise, children." Jaeherys' voice boomed through the hall, filled with authority. The prince and princess stood up, their eyes fixed on their ageing grandfather. But soon enough, their looks wandered to the right. Baelon stood there. Beside him, Viserys and his wife Aemma, holding little Rhaenyra.

"It has been long since we have been granted the joy of your presents. I must admit I am surprised you have appeared while I still draw breath."


"I am your king; you will address me as such."

Daemon and Daenerys exchanged a nervous glance before the princess spoke up again, her voice filled with hesitation. "Apologies, Your Majesty. We did not mean to offend." The king's stern expression softened slightly as he looked at his grandchildren, his gaze then returned to the authorised one.

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