Bad timing

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•Kirstie's P.O.V•

It looked like we bought the whole baby store for these toys and diapers. We don't even know how to raise a child, you know? After washing both of my hands to the sink, I can hear Avi's voice in the living room, playing with our baby tenor. I wiped my wet hands to my shorts and walked out to the kitchen.

Mitch continues his cute baby laugh as Avi was tickling him...

... which is a bad idea.

"Avi?" I called, still he giggles with Mitch. "Avi?" I called again.

"Huh?" He acknowledged, still doing his business with Mitch. "He just finished his milk." I told him, crossing my arms.

"So?" He questioned.

"He's gonna puke any moment if you continue that." I already can see Baby Mitch feeling sick.

"Pssh. He---!" Before Avi can even continue his words, Mitch puked on Avi's face.

"... won't." He finished his words, then spits. Baby Tenor began to weep. "Give me him." I commanded. He disgustingly gave Mitch to me, and I gave Avi a "told-you-so" look.

"I think I'm going to have a long bath." Then he walks away. I went to the kitchen and took Mitch's water bottle. "Here," I acknowledged. Hope he won't wipe his puke to me or something.

He was a little naughty to my arms until I succeeded on making him drink. He coughed after I took the bottle from his mouth. I wiped his mouth with a tissue, and now things are "normal".

But there's that minute that panicked us all.

"Guys, it's Esther. I need to tell you something."

I almost dropped Mitch in my hands. Oh, no. What to do!? I ran out of the kitchen.

Kevin and Scott descended the stairs in hurry and I met them. "Okay. What to do?" I nervously questioned. "Guys?" Esther continued to knock on our door.

I can see Baby Tenor getting sleepy to my arms, which gets me an idea. "Kevin, I want you to take Mitch to his bed and try to make him comfy." I ordered, carefully handing Mitch to Kevin.

As soon as Kevin left, "NOW. Act NORMAL." Scott panic-yelled, the two of us immediately sat to the couch and did businesses:

Scott grabbed the fake apple from the table and pretended to have a study with it;

I took the TV's remote control and pretended I was texting with it.

"Wait, the door." I said. Scott rises and ran for the door after Esther did 45 knocks to be exact.

"Thank god one of you thought of opening the door without me having bruises to my knuckles." Esther passes the welcome mat. She took her coat off and places it to the coat rack.

"Hey, Kirst."

"HEY...." ... take note my greeting is mixed with fear.

I stood up, throwing the remote control somewhere and looked to Esther. She looked to every inches of the house and then back to me. "I smell something fishy." Her words made me curl my knuckles.

Scott walked by me and we both did a creepy smile towards Esther. "Oh, no. Fishy? Maybe it's just... t-the... smell outdoors." I stuttered-talk.

"Hey...! Esther!" Then Avi arrived, hurriedly walk to Esther then hugged her. As Avi moved back, "Where's the "maniac"?" He hissed to my ears.

"Kevin's driving him to sleep." I whispered back.

"So, what brings you here?" Scott asked her. "It's about your next song for your album." She began.

"Hey, humans!" Kevin hurriedly climbs down the stairs and went to us. That's when Esther's eyes furrowed. "Hmmm..." She hummed.

"Where is Mitch?"

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