Forty One

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I'm walking through the hallway, and I get approached by Alex, Cristina, Jackson, April and and Meredith.

Everyone: is it up yet?

Savannah: it's going up now. Don't bug me before I have another cup of coffee.

Jackson puts a cup of coffee in my hand.

Savannah: this is why I keep you around. Mer, have you heard anything about Zola?

Meredith: not yet.

April: how are you even here?

Meredith: well, there's nothing I can do, and I have to do something, so I might as well do this.

Cristina: it's up!

While everyone looks at the board, I stay back. I'm on Hunt's service today, so any trauma that comes in is mine.

Cristina: OR 3. Yes! I love OR 3.

April: wait. Bowel resection? I thought you had a Peds case.

Alex: I switched last minute.

Savannah: which made my life a thousand times more difficult. You owe me coffee for two weeks for that, Karev.

Cristina: oh, Plastics. I thought you were the Gunther. Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?

Savannah: Plastics is more than just boob jobs. Jackson is changing a life today.

Jackson: exactly. Thank you, Savvy. It's a cleft lip. I'm changing a kid's life today. Look at Kepner, she's fixing a bum knee. Way to shoot for the stars, kid.

Jackson: where's your surgery, Star?

Star is another one of my nicknames. He calls me that because of my middle name, Luna.

Savannah: I'm on trauma today, so I have to wait for the traumas to come to me. Anyways, you guys start teaching skills labs today. I made a schedule for the month. It's up on the board in my office.

Everyone looks over at me.

Meredith: in your what?

I roll my eyes as I lead them to my office. I open the door and sit behind my desk.

Cristina: when did we get this?

Savannah: we didn't. I did, as Chief Resident.

Alex jumps onto the couch.

Alex: this is good. I can sleep on this.

Savannah: that's been my bed the last few nights. Trust me, that couch is the best purchase I ever made.

Cristina notices the board.

Cristina: uh, why is my name on this?

Savannah: these are this month's intern skills labs. Each of you has been given one skills lab to teach.

Cristina: no, I can't teach today. I'm on a mitral valve.

Savannah: well, just switch with one of these guys.

Meredith: aneurysm.

Alex: bowel resection.

Jackson: I got a baby's face.

I let out a sigh.

Savannah: guys, I divided these up fairly. Come on.

Jackson: you come on, Savvy. Every surgery we do this year could end up on the oral boards.

Alex: and they love picking the crappy outcomes.

Cristina: this could affect which fellowship I get. I mean, it's not life or death, Sav. Now it's our careers.

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