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I'm standing with Arizona by the OR board as Maggie and Riggs approach us.

Maggie: Robbins. Avery, have you met the new resident? She is great. No, amazing. She's better than some of my Attendings.

Nathan: woah. Hold on a second.

Arizona: I didn't even know we got a new resident.

Maggie: yeah, Webber just hired her. She's– hold on. Dr. Robbins, Dr. Avery-Collins, this is—

I turn around, and my eyes grow wide when I see...

Savannah: Murphy!

Arizona: Murphy!

Murphy: Dr. Robbins. Dr. Avery. Hi.

It took everything in me not to laugh.

Nathan: you guys know each other?

Savannah: Dr. Murphy used to work here. Then there was that—

Arizona cuts me off by placing her hand on my mouth.

Arizona: we have patients.

Arizona drags me with her and we find mom and Webber.

Arizona: you hired Leah Murphy back? Why? Why? Why? Why would you do that?

Webber: well, with Blake gone, it seemed like perfect timing.

Savannah: I thought you fired her because she wasn't cut out to be a surgeon.

Mom: yeah, why would you bring her back?

Webber: well, she did the work to prove me wrong, and Foster's Residency Director said she excelled there, and I think she deserved a second chance. What? Don't you believe in second chances?

Arizona: no!

I watch Arizona walk away then turn to mom.

Savannah: I know you have that big meeting with Bailey today, but the daycare is expecting you to swing by after. The mini you is really excited that you're here while Shawn is keeping Jackson and I up all night.

Mom: I was going to swing by anyway. I love seeing my little grandbabies.

Savannah: Cathy has been asking to see her grandma.


I walk over to Owen and Amelia as I throw on a trauma gown.

Savannah: incoming! Any second. MVC. Kid with possible head trauma, dad with multiple abdominal injuries. I could use neuro.

Amy: right behind you.

We make our way to the ambulance bay to meet the paramedics. Amy takes the first ambulance while Ben and I take the other one.

Paramedic: Bob Reeves, 40s, the driver. Some abdominal bruising, tenuous BP, large wound on the left leg.

Bob: Robbie?! Where's my son? Somebody tell me if my son is here.

Savannah: sir, he's here. They just took him inside, okay?

Bob: okay. Okay. Good. Thank you.

Ben: you got some nasty bruising. You got pretty banged up out there, Mr. Reeves.

Bob: you should see my car.

I page Jackson as we wheel Bob into a trauma room. As we start assessing Bob, Jackson walks into the room with DeLuca.

Jackson: you paged?

Savannah: yeah, come take a look.

Jackson: alright, assist the head lac. Sir, I'm gonna need to take a look at your wound, okay? Okay, that's really deep. We're gonna need to get this debrided and covered with a local muscle flap right away.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now