Chapter Forty-One

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When I walked out of the room I said, "So am I under dressed or overdressed for this surprise?"

"Neither. You are just right." he said as he stood up from the chair. "Now are you ready to get going?"

"Yes, I'm all set to go."

"Now you said you trust me, right?"

"Yes, very much. Why?"

"Because it's going to be a while until we reach our destination, and I don't want you to be all scared like I'm trying to kidnap you or something."

"Okay. I trust you. I trust you completely." I said as I waived my hand.

We hit 95 going south. I was curious of where we were going. I wanted to ask but I wanted to be surprised also. What was a girl to do? So, I did the only thing that I could do. I went to sleep. When I finally awoke, we were in, Virginia.

"Hey, sleepy, you're finally awake? You were knocked out."

"It's been an exhausting couple of years." I said as I adjusted myself in the seat.

"Judging by the way you were snoring I would say you are right." he said as he smiled at me and winked his eye.

"I wasn't snoring. I said as I nudged him on his arm. Sort of embarrassed I changed the subject. "So, this surprise am I going to like it?"

"I hope."

"Where are we anyway?" I asked as I yawned and stretched my arms.

"Almost to our destination. And this is where the blind fold comes in." he said as he pulled out this black piece of material and dangled it in front of my face.

I smiled and grabbed the blind fold from out of his hand. "You're not going to take advantage of me, are you?"

"By now you should know, I would love to take advantage of you. But it's not that type of party. This is something that I believe you need. Now put on the blind fold so that we can get started."

"Okay. I will play by your rules." I placed the blind fold over my eyes and said, "I'm all set."

The car finally came to a stop. Promise me that you will not peek?"

"I promise." I said as I held up my hand.

"I have to do something really quick and I will be right back." he opened the door and then said, No, peeking."

"Okay. No peeking."

"I'm trusting you."

"I promise." I said as I held up my hand, again.

Terrence got out of the car. About five minutes had past and Terrance opened my door. "Okay, my lady." he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. "Now you said you trust me, right?"

"Yes." I said as I laughed.

"Okay so walk with me and I promise that I won't let you hurt yourself or let you walk into anything."


"So, we are coming to a staircase. Step up he said." once we reached the end of the stairs we walked straight for a bit. We stopped, then I heard a beep. He let my arm go and then said. "Okay, we're here."

He took the blind fold off my eyes and we were in a room. Sort of like a hotel, but better.

"Now before you get any ideas. I didn't bring you here for what you might think. Come with me." he said as he pulled me along. We walked to one side and he said, "This is your room and..." he said as he pulled my hand and walked me to other side of the room "this is mine. And we have a living room and kitchen between the both of us."

"This is great, but I have to be back for work in the morning."

"Okay so I hope you don't hate me for this, but yesterday when we went walking it was supposed to be a diversion. It turned out to be much more than we anticipated."

"We. Who's we?"

"Your sister and me. I called her earlier that week, I didn't tell her your situation about everything, I just told her that I was worried about you and I thought that you needed to getaway for a few days. She came to your place when we went for our walk and packed you some things. Earlier she was helping me with some finishing touches. We spoke with your boss and she agreed to let you have a few days off."

"I can't believe you. I can't believe you would do this for me." I said in a surprised way. He always knew what I needed. I don't know how he did that.

"I would do anything for you." He blew out very hard and then said, "For a moment there I thought that you were upset with me."

"Why would I be upset with you? You are the only friend that I have." So, my sister didn't ignore me for a man she ignored me to help. In a way I was relieved, and, in a way, I was not, she really needed a good stiff dick.

"So, do you like it? Are you surprised?"

"I love it. It's beautiful and yes, really surprised. I cannot believe that you would go through this much trouble for me. Where did you find out about this place?" it was a very beautiful place there was a living room area, with a fireplace, a dining area, a kitchen.

"This resort is a place my family and I have been coming to for years. Don't worry I know how much you love your baths, so I gave you the room with the large, jetted tub."

It was crazy how much he knew me. "Thank you. I don't know how I could ever thank you for this."

"Enjoy yourself and that will be all the thanks that I need. I know this will not begin to heal the wounds that you have, but I will try anything if it makes you feel just a little better."

"Well Mr. Johnson, I will say you have succeeded in doing that so far."

"So, let's see if I can make it a little better. Let's go and see what I have planned for us. But first you need to change into something more comfortable. I'm going to go get our bags from the car."

"Okay." I was so happy to be far away from home. No one could find me there.

After we changed, Terrence and I went boating, took a nature walk, stopped off at a place on the side of the road and had ice cream cones. We talked and laughed and not one time did we talk about anyone home in our lives. We talked about things we had done when we were children. What we wanted to be when we were young. Childhood crushes and other stuff that didn't matter. It was wonderful and calming and just what I needed. That evening when we returned to the room, it was lit up with candles all around.

"What is all of this?" I asked with excitement.

"All of this...all of this is for you. So why don't you go take one of your nice long baths and get ready for dinner."

"When did you have time to do all of this?"

"You just have all kinds of questions, don't you?"

"Oh, am I not to ask any questions now?"

"Yes, you can. I may not answer them all."

"Oh, so it's like that?"

"Yes, it's like that. Now go get cleaned up while I prepare dinner."

"I will do just that, sir." I said as I went into my room to take a relaxing bath.

The dinner was delicious. We had Lamb chops with garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and rolls. The dessert was of course my favorite. After dinner Terrence cleaned up and he told me to go relax in my room. I cozied up and bed and read before I fell off to sleep.  

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