New Chapters? In 2023?! Wait - Am i actually back?!

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Gooooood evening!

Wow. Well hey again!

I want to say sorry. Sorry for leaving the stories unfinished and the account dormant. That was never my intention. I guess I got caught up in general life - a lot happened in a very few short years and it caused a massive spiral. Unfortunately, my creativity and inspiration completely died. Along with my mental health, you could say.

I'm sat here now, aged 29, absolutely heartbroken with myself that I've let my characters down and everyone else down. I've recently re-read my old work, and realised that I've so, so missed this.

I've missed writing - I've missed getting myself lost in my writing. I miss getting to know my characters, speaking to people who love my characters and creating heartfelt and important stories.

I feel as though I'm somewhat back on track, now. At least I hope I am! I'm married, on the right track mentally, and finally ready to put pen back to paper - or keyboard to screen?? I guess that works too??

Most of all - thank you. A million times over - thank you thank you thank you and thank you again. I love reading all your messages, they make my heart fuzzy and my eyes well up. In a good way!

Anywho, the long and short...I'm back. I'm here and I'm back. And I'm going to pick up where I left off and fall back in love with the characters I so sorely missed. But also create new things, and hopefully you'll give them a shot too?? Maybe?!

Thanks again. And thanks for reading my terribly discombobulated return message. Haha.

Peace, love & inspiration,

JSR x or call me Charlie x

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