When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (15 - Part 1)

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// The whole room was a blank canvas painted only black, the only thing I could see all around me was darkness. I usually like night time and darkness, but not like this...this was menacing. Slowly, the black began to fade out so that my surroundings became apparent; I was sat on my bed...no, a bed. It wasn't mine, the Thomas the Tank Engine covers told me that it was Damien's. I tried to stand up but found that I couldn't, something was weighing me down on my chest. I began to panic, scrambling frantically to get up...but I was greeted only by shallow breathing and gentle whimpers coming from my lap. I looked down and my eyes immediately collided with the tired ones of my little brother, his eye-lids half shut. I stroked his hair soothingly and shushed him, telling him to go back to sleep.

"Shush, Damien. Shhh, it's okay...Jasypops is here. Go back to sleep." I repeated the sweet nothings over and over, until I heard his breathing slowly steady. I thought he was asleep until I heard a tiny whisper of "I love you" come from his lips. I smiled in content and tried to reply with the same back to him.

However, when I opened my mouth, nothing came out...not a single word. It was just silence. I tried to lift my hand back up to stroke back Damien's messy, tangled, brown mop but when I went to do so, nothing was there. Where did he go!? I really started to panic then, insanely. I began to trash and throw myself around, calling his name as loud as I could. There was still no sound or sight of him...this couldn't be happening. I heard the door creek open behind me and I turned on my heel, confronted by the sight of my mum in a long, white night dress that flowed to her knees. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and next to her stood a sobbing Damien. I sighed in relief, she had found him. I couldn't take my eyes away from her, she was even more beautiful than I remembered her...perfect. I ran over to her and held her, not feeling any response. "Mum?" I asked, worry scattered throughout my voice. I could feel Damien tugging on the left sleeve of my sweater, and I turned to his broken face. "Damien, what's wrong baby?" I asked him, wanting to know why he was crying hysterically. Suddenly; I heard three, unbelievably loud sounds. I couldn't even explain what they sounded like other than to say they sounded like what they were...gun shots? I gasped and felt tears roll down my face, confused as to what was going on. My mum fell forward into me, revealing a masked man behind her beginning to run down the stairs. "Mum!?" I shouted, tears falling much more quickly, now. I could hear Damien's soft sobbing, and I looked over to see that he was sat in the corner with his favourite teddy bear clutched to his stomach. I turned my gaze back to my mother, and laid her so that she was flat on the ground. It was then that I noticed the large, red splodge on her stomach gradually getting bigger and her face slowly paling. Her blue eyes looked vacant and unfocussed, and her hands were limp. Reality hit me harder than a ton of bricks falling from Mars...this was really happening. And then, without been able to stop myself, I let out an ear piercing scream. I shouted at my mum until the sun rose, signalling morning. "Mum!" I screamed, "Mum, please don't go!" I didn't stop, I couldn't. And when I tried to reach out to Damien, an invisible wall blocked me. This couldn't be happening...no! I screamed more, throwing myself around the room in a fit of despair. "Please, no...please don't let this be happening." //

*I am aware that this is short, but i'm weighed down with work. I felt so bad for making you guys wait so long. I'm mid way through this chapter, so hopefuly part 2 will be up in the next few days. This is all just until i get into a routine, and when i do...i'll upload much faster. I love you for sticking with me.

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