When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (32)

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"But i want to take my Thomas the Tank teddy bear, too! Dora's cool but she's nothing without Thomas!"

I looked into Damiens pleading eyes and could feel myself giving in slowly. We were packing his bag to leave, it was already 30 minutes since i had the argument with my Aunt and...him, time was ticking!

"Okay, okay! But you'll have to carry him. Your backpack is full already."

"YAY! Thanks Jassy!" He then jumped in my arms and cuddled me and i couldn't help but to cuddle him back. I then realised that this was my chance to tell him...

"Dames?" I asked softly.


"I need you to keep this trip a secret, Marie and Simon can't know okay?"

I felt him nod in agreement into my shoulder and i sighed with relief, thinking i was off the hook without being asked for an explanation. I should have known i was wrong.

"...Why can't i tell them? Is it a surprise and they're going to come join us?"


"Yeah baby, that's exactly it. Its a surprise for them and we'll see them in a few days."

"I'm sleepy." He said as he pulled away from me, jumping on his bed and under the covers. This was perfect for my plan.

"Alright darling. I'll take your bag and put it in the car, when you wake up we'll be in somewhere new."

"Can we go to a sunny place?" He asked sweetly, tucking under his covers. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

I chuckled lightly. "It's England, baby, nowhere is sunny. I'll see you in the morning, sleep tight."

I closed his bedroom door lightly, trying not to make much noise. I then quickly rushed into my room and shoved Damien's bag under my bed before preceding to pack my own. I grabbed a few outfits and hoodies, make-up, my phone, my iPod and charger for them both. I wouldn't need much more, just some food. I had money in my bank that i had saved up for college but this was a more pressing matter, i would use it for us.

I finished packing and put my bag with Damien's, under my bed.

Phase one of Mission:Escape is complete. Haha, i'm so tacky. Whatever!

Now, Phase Two. 

I looked in the mirror adjascent to my bed and sighed at my appearance,eyeliner was running down my face from my earlier tantrum and my hair was a complete mess. I reached over for my make-up wipes only to realise they weren't there...I had just packed them.

I started to panic for a moment unil i realised that, actually, my disheveled appearance could work to my advanage for the next part of my plan. I took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in my throat, here goes nothing.

I opened the bedroom door and descended the stairs quietly. I headed into the kitchen, hoping to get something to settle my stomach. A drink of water or some milk, maybe. But as soon as i stepped inside there i was greated by Simon, a hurt look on his face. I guess this was all a surprise to him, too.

"Jasmine, come here, sweetheart." He opened his arms wide, signalling that he wanted a hug. I nodded and took his offer in appreciation, i really needed this.

"I guess you didn't know either, Uncle Si?" I asked quietly. I blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall as i moved out of the embrace to face him.

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now