When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (21)

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So here I was again.

His blanket, his apartment, drinking hot chocolate out of his mug...you get the picture.

Why is it I always end up in my English teachers apartment?

No. It was getting beyond a joke now. I had only known him a few weeks and he already knew more about me than some of my closest friends...and not because I had told him. Every time I questioned him, he'd avoid the conversation and move it onto more pointless things. I was close to cracking and when I do so, he'll know about it.

I somehow managed to block out the arguing coming from next door, although I’m not quite sure how I did it. I think they thought I was asleep...Christian and Mr Hinchcliffe, I mean. They were in the kitchen and I could hear the faint boiling of the kettle just over their voices...they were whispering. So whatever they were talking about, I wasn't meant to hear.

And I was going to keep it that way.

I’d had too many surprises in the past few weeks to last me a lifetime, I didn't want to find any more out just yet. I sipped my hot chocolate as I let my thoughts drown out the barely audible whispers coming from the other side of the wall. Even thinking about it made me sick but it had to be done one way or another, and it had to be done soon.

I had to tell My Hinchcliffe that I was going to England.

Or maybe I could just sneak off and pretend I had been ill when I got back home? No, I couldn't do that...he'd know something was wrong. He always knows when something is wrong and, believe it or not, it does have its disadvantages as well as advantages.

...and then it hit me. Well, kind of...I'm just going to go and not tell him. Okay, it sounds like such a rubbish idea when I say it aloud but, to be honest, I think it's my only option. He would try stop me if he knew I was going and, although I’m one of the most stubborn people you will ever meet, it's a totally different story when it comes to Marc.

Marc, Marc, frigging Marc. Who even is he, anyway? I wish he would start answering my questions.

Can you tell my mind is all over the place? I’m sorry. I’ve just got so much to think about, which is why its going to be easier to just not tell him when I’m going to England. I think he's already suspicious of my plans because of the argument we had the other day but I guess I could pass that off as something said in anger. Yeah, I could, as long as he didn't question it...but of course he will. Brilliant. Well, I’m going to ignore him. Yep.

I heard the gentle sound of laughter and jumped out of my thoughts, glancing around the room to see that Mr Hinchcliffe and the other dude were now in the room, sat across from me and giving me strange looks. Oops, maybe I zoned out too much.

And then I realised that the laughter was my own and I still hadn't stopped the giggling.

Oh god. I shut my mouth abruptly and grinned at them both, earning a laugh from Mr Hinchcliffe and yet another strange look from my kidnapper. The second one that brought me here, I mean, and although I knew that he wasn't all bad, I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock when I saw him.

“Wh...what?” Was all I could say and, to be honest, I was surprised I could even say that. I was in such a state of shock and confusion I felt like I was going to faint at any given moment. I leaned my head back on the sofa and breathed deeply, dragging my eyes away from the mystery person.

“It's okay, Jas, this is Christian. He's my brother.”

“Your brother is a kidnapper?” I blurted out, unable to stop myself. Mr Hinchcliffe looked at me with a gentle smile of reassurance placed across his lips.

“No. More of a rescuer, if you will.”

I just looked at him in confusion. What? No. He took me, therefore, kidnapper.

“I sent him to pick you up after you answered the phone to me and told me where you were. I couldn't come pick you up...i, well, I wasn't in the right state of mind to drive.”

“What he means is he was too worried and messed up, he would have ended up running over some school children or something.” The other guy, namely Christian, cut in.

I smiled at Mr Hinchcliffe, at which point I noticed a slight aching point to the left side of my face. I prodded around slightly and winced when I found the source; A lovely, massive bruise on the side of my face.

“Ow!” I cried out in both shock and pain.

“Are you okay?” Mr Hinchcliffe asked, taking a seat next to me and looking at me intently. It was then that he took my face within his hands and, without knowing any other reaction, I jumped slightly and pulled away from his grasp.

“S-sorry...” I muttered, feeling myself blush. I ducked my head slightly in a hope that it might hide my embarrassment. Of course, it didn't.

I heard him sigh gently.

“Jasmine, you don't have to be scared of me. I was just checking to see if you needed to see a doctor or not and, luckily, I don't think you do. But I do need you to tell me what happened.”

Woah. No. I wasn't going to tell him a thing...not until I got my answers.

“Wait. You want answers from me, yet you never give me any answers? Hmph.” I crossed my arms in anger, again earning a gentle sigh and a look of disapproval.

“I'll give you answers if you give me them.” He stated, a look of apprehension on his face.

I nodded my head slowly.

This could be interesting.

*/ I have insane writers block! I'm sorry! And college work has been taking the piss! Please understand, i love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for carrying on reading.

A much better chapter will be up by Saturday and if it's not you have permission to scold me!

Please carry on voting and commenting, it's what spurs me on :)

BTW! Today i bought a ticket to go see Pendulum and Hadouken! in December in Manchester and i am SO EXCITED!

Also guys, my friend 'surfer-at-heart' has began writing on here, too :) i lover her imensely to pieces and her writing is amazing, so please go check her out :) If you like my stuff, you'll love hers. More on the fantasy side, very interesting:)


Peace, Love & Hadouken! (You are oxygen) ;)

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now