When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (24 - BONUS CHAP)

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/ This isn't long because i don't want to give anything away. This is the bonus chapter i wrote because i got over 200 fans, so thank you! /

-Jasmine Aunt's Point of View, on the day Jas called them and Damien spoke about Police and being scared.-

"Damien, hurry up sweetie! Dinner's ready!” I called out of the kitchen window and into the seemingly empty backyard.

“Damien! Dinner!” I called once again, slightly louder. I sighed heavily and went through the French doors and out into the garden, hoping he would hear me better there. I shouted once again but when there was no answer, I really began to worry. He had a tree house outback that himself and Simon, my husband, built during summer and he spent most of his time there. So it wasn't a surprise that I couldn't see or hear him, but when I shouted him for dinner he always came running inside immediately. I couldn't help but start to worry, especially with recent events.

I padded across the soft lawn towards the cluster of tree's, heading straight to the small tree house. I sighed in relief when I saw him crouched down on the ground, fiddling with something in his hands that reflected sunlight into my eyes. I narrowed my lids and moved closer.

“Damien, what's th-oh God.” I leaned down and took the object from him carefully.

“I'm sorry, Marie! I’m sorry, honest! I was just digging and I found it here! It was shiny and I liked it.” He said to me, his expression one of panic and worry and fear. I shook my head gently at the little boy and ruffled his hair with my free hand, telling him to go inside because his dinner was on the table.

I was thankful he did so because I wasn't sure how I was going to react about this, my mind still hadn't processed what I had in my hand.

A knife.

But not any knife. It was a flip knife with a bright red, metallic handle and a black blade. The knife blade was slightly curved and jutted out violently multiple times before reaching a main point at the tip. Looking at it made me feel physically sick.

“Marie darling, Dames told me you were out here. What's wrong?” I heard Simon ask from behind me. I didn't even have to speak, all I had to do was turn around and show him what was laid in the palm of my hand. It was barely bigger than a pen knife but we both knew that the trouble this was about to cause us was bigger than anything we could imagine.

He pulled his mobile phone from his pocket immediately and called the private number we have for the super intendant working on our case. He quickly explained the situation to the officer and, before I knew it, we could hear distant sirens.

I dragged my eyes away from the tiny, silver scorpion embedded within the blade and grimaced. This wasn't just any flip knife...it held the mark of Damien's Father's gang.

Before we even had chance to finish up eating, the police had arrived. Of course, I couldn't stop Damien asking questions...all I could stop was answering them. It's horrible having to lie to your child, or a child that is practically your own, do you know? It's never something you want to do but I had no choice. I either told him so he wouldn't sleep for weeks ad be scared, or bent the truth so he wouldn't think twice about it. Of course, the latter was my only option as a caring mother figure.

“It's just a toy, darling...someone lost it.” I used as my explanation, although I could see even his little brain didn't accept it.

The police arrived in no time and took statements and the like but I refused to let them talk to Damien. No way was I having him think this was cool, talking to police. I made Simon take him outside to play while I spoke to the officers, explaining everything I could to them. They were already more than familiar with the mark of the Scorpion, they'd been working against John's gang for years. They needed to find him, though, to arrest and charge...so that's what they've been trying to do.

I’m sure you're already familiar with the story of Damien's father. It's nice to know that some of the police are reformed gang members, too, they actually know what they're dealing with instead of underestimating the problem.

After speaking to the officers for a while, I ushered them out of the house. We were already conspicuous, it wouldn't do anything for us if the police were seen leaving our house.

I did ask Damien to not make a fuss of this when his sister next called but of course, he would. Everything was a fuss to such a young boy, especially something involving the law and flashing lights!

Well, at least they were looking after us. For now.

I hope Jas in being looked after well, too...so help me God, I do.

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