When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (11 - Part 1)

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*/ Righ guys, i figured you were getting impatient; but i was only half way through the new chapter. So i put half of it up. Yes, i'm aware that it is uneventful, and yes i'm aware that it isn't that long. But the next chapter will make up for it. /*

"I'll be ten minutes, tops!" I said to Mr Hinchcliffe, as I jumped out of the passenger side of his BMW and began to launch up my driveway.

"Wait!" I heard him shout back to me; and I turned around still walking as I went, not wanting to waste any time I could spend with him. "Wont your dad be suspicious if you walk in the house when you're meant to be at school? Especially as he thinks that you were staying the night at Jess', he'll think you've gone to school with her."

"No," I shouted back, turning back to the door and shoving my key in the lock. "He's at work."

As soon as I finished speaking, I ran into the house and stumbled up the stairs, wanting to waste as little time as possible getting changed. I insisted that Mr Hinchcliffe dropped me off home so that I could get changed before we headed out for the day, I mean; I felt dirty in last night's clothes. Especially as I fell asleep in them.

I pulled open my bedroom door and rushed into me en-suite bathroom, deliberating whether I had time for a shower or not. I decided I did, and tore off my clothes and jumped in; the warm water suddenly calming my tense nerves. I sighed in relief as the water washed over me, as I scrubbed at my hair with the last of the shampoo and conditioner. I leapt out of the shower with such speed and force that I landed in a pile on the bathroom floor, squealing in pain as I felt my elbow smack against the titled flooring.

"Jasmine, are you alright?!" I heard a shout from downstairs, and I suddenly kicked into action, no-one was meant to be home. Well, I kicked into action for all of 3 seconds until I realised whose voice it actually was. I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room, with a towel wrapped around both my body and hair.

"I'm fine, Mr Hinchcliffe," I shouted back. "Why are you in my house?" I asked quizzically. I told him to wait in the car...well; I guess I couldn't out right say anything to him now, not after he let me stay the night at his last night.

"You said no-one was home so I thought I'd check out your place." He chuckled, "Hurry up, I've got somewhere I want to take you."

I grunted in response, but not loud enough so that he could hear me. Although I was over the moon (or sun, as it is still quite summery) that he wanted to spend the day with me, I was apprehensive about this 'place' he wanted to take me. I don't know; maybe it was my lack of experience in the boy department or that I was simply just a worrier, but my instincts were telling me that I was going to be surprised. Whether it would be in a good or bad way, I don't know...I certainly hoped it would be good.

I cursed outwardly as I let my train of thought interrupt me, and immediately started rifling through my wardrobe. Hmm, now here was a challenge...trying to pick something to wear when I had no idea where I was going. This whole secretive thing was overly irrational and, if I'm been honest, I didn't really like it.

After a few minutes, I found an outfit which I quite liked and which also suited the weather...that was a rare occurrence. I pulled the thin, not-quite-see-through-but-almost-opaque cotton dress over my head and added a thin pair of black tights. The dress ended just below my knees and was mainly hot pink, with black outlined floral designs covering the whole of the material. The back of it had a corset type fastening that was designed as part of the shirt, so I didn't have to tie it or anything...it just looked pretty. It had a v-neck with short, flowing sleeves that reached my elbows and screamed sophisticated, but it wasn't too over-dressy.

I slipped on my pair of black converse all star originals to dress it down further, and added huge, imitation pear beads around my neck and wrists. Perfect. I smiled at the mirror as I let my hair out of the towel, been thankful that it was nearly perfectly dry and fell neatly just past my shoulders. I slicked on quite a thick layer of eyeliner and added clumpy mascara, hoping I wouldn't look so much like a panda. I sighed in relief when the effect I got made my eyes look wide and alert.

As I descended the stairs, ready to head off out with My Hinchcliffe, I could smell the sweet smell of...well, I wasn't quite sure what it was at first. Cooking? No, that wasn't it. Incense? Cigarettes? Candy? No...

I was instantly put out of my misery when, as soon as I entered the kitchen, a mug of steaming, sweet smelling hot chocolate was placed in my hands. I watched as Mr Hinchcliffe went back to leaning against the work surface opposite me, and thought for a second that I caught him looking at me. Like, really looking at me; like you look at someone you really care about. But almost as soon as the look appeared, it was gone again; confirming my thoughts that I had imagined it. Stupid, idiotic, irrevocable crush...it was playing mind games with me now.

"Thanks." I muttered, and looked down at the floor; seeming to study the floor tiles intently. I could feel my face getting hotter, and then cooling again...it really was a weird feeling.

We supped our drinks in silence and I found myself in a daze. You know, when you completely switch off from everything and then when you land back in reality, you can't remember what you were thinking about? Well, it was like that. One minute I was supping and thinking, then the next I had car keys jingling in my face and a very impatient looking Mr Hinchcliffe.

"Earth to Jas. We finished our drinks like, 5 minutes ago...and I washed the mugs out! Get a move on, it's 9:30...times-a-tickin'!"

I pushed out of my chair and followed him out into the September sun, climbing into the front seat of his swanky BMW. I tilted my head back and pressed down the button for the window, so instantly the sun shone down on me. It felt brilliant. I side glanced over at Mr Hinchcliffe, and this time I was pretty sure that I wasn't imagining the way he was looking at me. Then, he spoke.

"Pretty dress, Jas." He nodded his head softly as he complimented me. I wasn't sure how that made me feel because happy was an understatement, yet I didn't want to sound lame and say that it gave me the shivers...even though it maybe did, just a little bit.

"Thanks." I muttered, and turned to him and smiled; but I wasn't sure if he saw it because by now he was driving. Like a maniac, might I add. As far as I knew, we weren't in a rush but the way he was going about it; you'd think that the world was about to end. I can't say I wasn't enjoying it though; travelling at 70 odd miles an hour did have its advantages...the adrenaline mixed with the g-force was pretty exhilarating, especially as both windows were open. I could feel my hair flying all over the place but I didn't mind, I just closed my eyes and relaxed.

I think I dozed off, because when I next pulled open my lids I felt the sting of salt in my throat and eyes. I coughed slightly as my mind slowly kicked into focus, and I remembered where I was. I looked sleepily towards the driver's seat but it was empty. Huh? I turned ad opened the passenger door, jumped out and stretched my arms above my head. Gosh that sleep really was needed.

"Alright sleepy head," I laughed over at Mr Hinchcliffe, who was sat on a bench drinking coffee from a polyester cup. "Surprise?"

"Huh?" was all I could think to say, not taking the time out to look around. When I did, the salt sting in my eyes made sense as I suddenly noticed where we were.

*/ I hope that was okay for now, updates will be tomorrow :) /*

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