When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (19)

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I carried on trying to struggle out of the grasp that I was in, but I couldn't seem to move. Like, at all...this guy was really strong. I screamed out some more but was cut off by a hand being placed gently over my mouth. Not forcefully or brutally, but placed gently and being careful not to cut off breathing. It didn't fail to panic me, though, so I carried on trying to push myself out of the arms of this man.

"Jasmine, stop it!" The voice spoke softly yet still with harshness in their tone.

I could still feel tears falling from my eyes, and despite my vision being blurry I knew almost for definite that I didn't know the person who was carrying me. Their face seemed vaguely familiar, like I might have seen them in passing or on MySpace or something, maybe one of Jess' friends...i don't know, fall I know he might have been one of the guys' that had been chasing me and that's where I knew his face from.

Oh god. Why did I even let that thought cross my mind?

As soon as it did, I once again began flailing wildly with my arms and legs. I attempted to scream, but it was muffled by the hand that was now pressing much more firmly since I had tried to shout out.

"Listen, Jasmine, please...just calm down. All you need to know is that I'm not going to hurt you. If I explain to you now, it will just confuse the hell out of you. Let me take you somewhere familiar and I'll talk to you."

I shook my head violently, tears falling much faster. I didn't want to talk to this guy, let alone be somewhere alone with him! What was going through his mind to make him think I was going to be okay and accept this?!But as much as I tried, I couldn't get free of his grasp. Then, just as I was I was devising some crazy plan in my mind that involved head butting and stealing a car, I was put into yet another car.

But again, he gently placed me in the front seat and did up my seatbelt for me...making sure I was safe. Before he did this he had to take his hand from my mouth, so I had to agree that I wouldn't make a sound. I guess it was the only way really, otherwise he would probably hurt me even more than he was already going to. I trembled in fear as he closed the passenger door and locked it before walking around the car to get in the driver's side. This guy really doesn't miss a trick, as if he locked the doors! I would have been out of there in a flash...guess I was predictable.

I pulled my feet onto the seat so they were pressed to my chest and I wrapped my arms around them, resting my head on my knees. It was an attempt to help hide the shaking that I was doing caused my shear fear but it was clearly not working, I was still crying and earning sideways glances from the driver. Sorry, kidnapper.

As hard as I tried, I couldn't stop shaking...it was getting ridiculous. The car had been moving now for about 15 minutes, and places we passed were starting to get more and more familiar as we got closer to town. I was staring out of the window trying to spot landmarks that I recognised when I felt something being thrown over my shoulder. I instantly flinched away and yelped out, but felt stupid when I realised that the man had only thrown a jacket over my shoulders. I shook my head in disbelief...why was he been so nice to me? It was scaring me almost as much as the fact that I was in a car with a stranger.

I leaned my head against the window as I stared out of it, we had just passed my school and I could see the football team training on the field across the road. How normal it all seemed when I was in a car with a potential murdering rapist mad the tears come on good and strong once again. I couldn't stand this, I wanted to go back home! Back to normality instead of the craziness that had seemed to envelope me in the past few weeks!

So then I started to get mental. Again.

I started pulling at the door handle, even though we were still moving at an unthinkable speed. I knew it was crazy but at that point in time I didn't particularly care, as long as I could get away from him, from this...from everything.

"Jasmine! What the hell are you trying to do, kill yourself?!" The man shouted as he leaned across me and pulled my hands back from the door, holding them together so I couldn't move them.

"Let me out! Get away from me!" I shouted through my tears as I tried to pull my hands out of his grasp. I was only too aware that he was still driving, so only part of his attention was on me whereas the rest was on the road. He was still facing ahead, but his grasp was tight and strong, there was no way I could get out of it.

"I told you, I'm not going to hurt you honey. Just calm down, I'm safe if anything. But anything I tell you now will just confuse you, so shut up and I'll tell you when we stop driving."

I shook my head in defeat, he was right...it would confuse me. I was already unbelievably confused by his actions and nice ways. I had noticed that the car had stopped, and looking out of the car I gasped at where we were. I knew it was familiar and I knew this place had some importance, but what it was I couldn't think of. My mind was really messed up after the last few hours' events so I couldn't think about anything straight.

I obediently followed the man into the block of modern, stylish looking apartments...well, I say obediently, I didn't really have a choice as he was gripping my forearm tightly. And I was still crying...yeah, I couldn't seem to stop.

I was pulled into an apartment a few floors up, and instantly everything seemed familiar. The décor, the layout...even the scent! I followed the stranger into a room on the left hand side, suddenly as ease due to the familiarity of my surroundings.

I pulled my gaze up lazily when I heard someone cough lightly in front of me, then scold the guy who had taken me.

"God, Christian! What the hell, I said be gentle with her!"

"Woah, woah...sorry!" The guy to the side of me replied, "She was scared and I didn't know how to calm her down."

When my gaze met the eyes of the man in front of me, I let out a quiet cry of relief...ignoring the confusion that was still sweeping through my mind. Without thinking it through, I stumbled into the arms of the person in hope for a cuddle and was extremity relieved when I felt two arms wrap around me in a soothing, protective manner. It calmed me instantly.

All I could say is, things could have been worse.

Way, way, waaaay worse.

*/ Hehe, i know it's short but i wanted to leave you in suspense for a little while longer. :P

So, WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?! Leave me a comment letting me know, and i'll give the people who get it right a mention in my next chapter. I'll also check out their writing, i've been looking for new reading material. ^___^

Also, i went to see The Midnight Beast live the other day!!! EEEE! Had an IMMENSE TIME! If you don't know who they are, search 'The Midnight Beast' on youtube, they're a pretty amazing band that just take the piss, basically. :) Their TiK ToK parody of Ke$ha is AMAZING! And i met them all, and got cuddles and photos! Yeah! We had to wait for an hour until all the fans left, but we did it! :D And Ash called me a Kinky Bitch cause i threw kinky handcuffs on stage at him! Hahahha. Was funny :D

So. Peace, Love & The Midnight Beast.

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