When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (28)

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“Come break me down! Bury me, bury me! I am fi-” I cut my ringtone off abruptly and pressed the 'answer' button, not bothering to check the caller ID as I was already in a rush.

“Hello?” I questioned, wondering who would be calling me.

“Hi! Jasmine! I have 2 plane tickets for a flight that leaves to London in 3 hours, be ready in half an hour because I’ll be there to pick you up.”

It took a minute for me to register who was actually on the other end of the phone but, when I did, I was too shocked to even speak.

“Jas? Jasmine, are you there?!” The voice on the other end of the phone was suddenly louder and laced throughout with worry, it was then I realised I hadn't made a sound since he started speaking.

“Y-yes, Sir, I’m here. How did you get my phone number?” I asked Mr Hinchcliffe, now not only curious but also slightly annoyed that someone would give it to him. What students wouldn't do for a handsome teacher, hmph.

Somewhere, though, I felt a slight spark of warmth and excitement that he had my number and was calling me. Stupid, I know, especially as we're going away together. But it was business, strictly business and not pleasure.

Yeah, right, whatever.

“Don't call me Sir outside of school, Jas, my name is Marc. Did you hear what I just told you?”

“Um, yeah. Our flight leaves in 3 hours and you will be here in 30 minutes. But I already had my ticket booked for next week, when summer break starts. And also, how did you get my number?”

“I know you did, love, but I thought you were keen to go over and see your brother as soon as possible?” He questioned, having a sudden change of heart to what he had only an hour ago. This confused me totally but what didn't confuse me about him? There's so much to him...i was almost learning to stop questioning and I would, If I wasn't such a curious, stubborn character.

He carried on, “I got it from the student records in the main office, my charm comes in handy once in a while.”

I could almost hear the smirk on his lips, if that was even possible. Ugh! But anyway, I most certainly was not complaining about him wanting to leave tonight although, one thing did slightly concern me.

“I'm meant to be in school, what will I say?” I asked yet another question, to his obvious dismay as I heard him sigh through the phone.

“I'll call in and tell them you're ill, just disguise my voice or something. Now, will you stop questioning me?! I feel like im under interrogation. Plus, now you only have 23 minutes until I’ll be at your house to pick you up. Happy packing.”

I was going to throw a witty reply back at him until he ended the call without leaving me time to respond. I knew he did that on purpose.

Pushing all these thoughts to the side for a moment, I glanced at the clock on my dresser. It was 4:03pm now, so I had until...umm...4:26pm to pack and tidy myself up a little.

I guessed we would only be there for a few weeks, maybe not even that, so I picked out my favourite jeans and skirts from my closet and piled them neatly in the case. I even chose a few dresses, just in case we went anywhere nice or met up with other family members, which was highly likely. I then threw in a few pairs of tights and enough underwear to last me, then a few pairs of shoes: My red TOMS, my black Chuck Taylors and a pair of black flats. I would travel in my Nike high-tops.

I checked the clock once again before heading into my en-suite to tidy my hair and make up, it was 4:20. 6 minutes, if he was on time. I threw my hair up in a pony, knowing I had a 12 hour flight to endure and stuck to a small amount of black eye liner and black waterproof mascara. Set to go.

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