When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story] (23)

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/ Sorry it took so long you beautiful people, there was Christmas and new year and all that shazzizle, plus my 17th Birthday in like a week! :D So i lost track of time <3 / 

Suddenly and without warning, my legs collapsed from underneath me and I ended up practically sprawled across the soft carpet. Tears were blurring my vision so I wasn't quite sure where Mr Hinchcliffe had disappeared off to, if he had gone anywhere...which I doubt he had. Unfortunately for me. 

I felt him grab my elbows gently to pull me up, but I pushed him away forcefully. I was expecting him to huff at me and start getting all vexed like last time, but he didn't. Instead, he left me alone. I leaned against the wall in the hallway and buried my head in my hands, not paying attention when the door open and closed or when I heard a conversation in the room next door. Right then, I wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything...i just needed to be alone. 

I slowly felt my sobs calm down until they were only a murmur, the tears still, however, flowing like there was no tomorrow. And with the way I felt, I slightly hoped there might not be a tomorrow. 

Who did he mean by 'her'? 'I told her I would look after you'...he said something along those lines, right? Yeah I know I wasn't imagining it, he definitely said it. I had an idea who he meant but I'm not sure that's even possible. He's too young. But if he did mean her then...well, then I had a hell of a load more questions to ask him. That's after the initial shock, of course. I couldn't control the way I was feeling at that moment, it was a mixture of hurt, worry, confusion and...grief. If he knew her, he would be the closest thing to her I could get right now and I'd been searching for that long enough. 

I felt my head dip and my eye lids close, exhaustion finally catching up with me. I had lost all track of time as I sobbed, getting lost in my thoughts, but I was pretty sure I was there for longer than I thought. In fact I knew I had been because the sun was beginning to set and twilight was looming. The muted light only made me feel even more drowsy and I could feel myself drifting off, unable to stop myself even though I was in one of the most uncomfortable positions ever known.

When I felt someone pick me up gently and move me, I was too tired to fight back. Maybe I was even slightly relieved that I was being moved from such an uncomfortable place, kidnapper or no kidnapper. I let out a quiet, inaudible sigh of comfort and relief when I felt the soft cushioning of a bed underneath me and I subconsciously shifted in to my usual sleeping position. I turned on my side and gripped the comforter between my hands, holding it to my chest like you would a teddy bear. This was my safe place, something as simple as being able to move into this position made me feel instantly safe and at home. 

I felt something cool press against my cheek and it took me a moment to realise that it was a hand...his hand. His thumb glided across my cheek once and then I felt what I assumed to be Mr Hinchcliffe's lips press to forehead. The movement was swift yet still gentle enough not to disturb my sleepy state, it was over so quickly that I had to take a second to think it over and make sure I wasn't dreaming. I knew I definitely wasn't dreaming when I heard him whisper the words "I'm sorry" against my forehead before pulling away and exiting the room. Sorry for what, I didn't know but I also didn't plan on staying awake to think about it. I kept my eyes closed and let sleep engulf me with dreams of Mr Hinchcliffe and I. 

* * * * * 

I awoke slowly and blinked a few times, adjusting to my awaken state. It didn't take long, though, for the reality of my situation and the previous nights events to come crashing down on me like a tonne of bricks. He knew her. 

I moved faster than I'd ever moved before, throwing the duvet to the side and diving out of the bed and towards the door all in one swift, angelic movement. Angelic, I know...I even surprised myself. 

When Formalities Are Forgotten. [A Student/Teacher Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now